QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Dec 16 2005, 01:29 PM)
Sorry, I wrote that in a hurry this morning.
Here's some clarification on stuff:
Arsenal III seems to ignore the requirements for an order. I've had Spires spread creep and Dragoons paint nukes without changing the requirements.
It seems any building can provide Psi, regardless of race... however, you don't seem to be able to see all the Psi Auras without selecting a Pylon. O.o
Now that I've come home and am able to test further, I made buildings spread Creep. I set their AI/Orders action to Init Creep Growth, made their race Zerg, and checked the Creep Building flag in Advanced.
This makes them spread Creep, but unfortunately, also requires them to be built on the Creep.
Nothing I did could make any building spawn Larva.
Hope some of that helps.
UPDATE: It seems that buildings won't spawn Larva unless they have the AI order to Init Creep.
Thanks for that heads up! I was able to do my own tests... and pretty much came up with the same conclusion. All I could really do was stop the hatchery from producing larva. It seems more and more there's currently no clean way to seperate the zerg from larva, creep, and/or morphing. It's either use them all together or not at all. It's like... they're some sort of highly evolved, finely tuned hive oraganism bent on galactic conquest... or something...