Hi Im new to this forum
My question is this. I want to be able to change the graphics of a unit (terran vulture for example) or powerup to the phase disruptors graphic. How ever when I change the unites image in arsenal III crashes starcraft. when i try replacing the units grp with the phase disruptor graphic it ends up turning out all funky colors i also modified the iscript to keep it from crashing since the phase disruptor has only 11 frames and the vulture has 17. However this completely locked up my computer.
I have managed to extract a good looking version of the phase disruptor graphic using scmdraft and the print screen button then compiling to grp. how ever this one has poor transparency and looks black on the edges.
let me know if there is any other information that you need to know. I have been working on this problem for 2 weeks now so any help would be nice.
Um, trying to replace a unit with a weapon graphic has some Iscript problems. Most of all, you have to add a bunch of animations, because weapons only have an init and a death animation. You'll need to add Idle and walking animations at least. Attacking one if the unit your replacing has a weapon. Also, if you try to do it by just messing with the Iscript, the actual weapon won't work.
What you want to do is change which GRP that it references in Images.dat first. You might also need to copy the palette values. Once you change that, you can edit the Iscript. First, copy the number from the phase disruptor to the one you're replacing, let's say the vulture. Next, you need to open the vulture's Iscript entry. You obviously know about the frame counts and making a working script, so I won't bother to explain anything about that. Both of those changes should allow it to work properly.