You need no ASMcoding for that. Just follow the steps in the tutorial, except you use the latest version of MemGraft
The only issue that I have with the tutorial is that it just tells me how to remove the limit; I just want to increase the amount of buildable inteceptors a bit, from 8 to 16. The tutorial does tell how to make an infinite amount of them, something useable for an unbalanced mod...
Okay, I just had a crazy thought. What if Overlord's could launch scourge? They wouldn't particulary need a limit; just launch one after the other, especially if they could attack ground. It sounds possible, with memgraft editing...would I have to make scourge a subunit?
Would I just copy the carrier and interceptor stuff to the overlord/scourge, respectively?
What exactly would I need to do? I have an idea, but I think I'm missing something...