just did it (forgot to tape, sorry). It was teh pwnage.
- Get an amount of Diet Coke (Has to be diet for max efficiency). Usually 2 Liter bottles are fine.
- Get Lots of mentos (A single tube is enough, I do not know how the amount affects the spewage)
- Roll a peice of paper into a tube (Large enough around to have mentos slide, but small enough to fit on top of or inside a coke)
- Put the mentos in the tube and grab hold of the bottom mentos tablet through the paper (so it does not slide through)
- Put over diet coke bottle
- Let go of the mentos and pull the tube away after the last one has fallen
- Run for a good 3 meters
Ideas for more efficient spews:
- Warm diet coke rather than cold
- Blow the mentos into it, not let them fall.