scripts just controls animations viewing and some weapons running of behavior , those buildings no have any frames about
related to warping animations , i know that just calling to linked grp file (but not sure just my opinion )
i thinks that, if that scrpts no have radical structural difference between othre toss's buildings (i mean point is warping conditions)
then problem is unit's under categories
did u change those units categorie to toss's basic buidings by units.dat any editors?
i didnt check out ur scirpts for iceCC but if scripts had no any especially point
then check other part
And finally, i just some Suggestions 2 u , thinking about XelNagaTempleUnknown21:
Good luck~!
Yeah, I set all of the options so that it would be considered a normal Protoss building...but still, no luck...
I really can't think of what it would be that won't let it warp in all the way...