How do you make maps apere in a box like xtra or scmdraft.
How do maps appear in a box? Umm.. No idea what you're saying. More specific or less vague?
What's the code to make maps veiwable like in extra or scmdraft?
Thats like asking for the source code of a whole editor.
Well I'm on a mac so I want to start my own thing "Staredit (Carbon)"
I made a map editor for one of my games, although it didn't compress anything. Basicly, I the commands were like
ent <name>
I would make it read it then put things in as it read them.
I'm assuming that's how you would do it here too, you just need to figure out how to open up the .scm and parse the .chk file.
Ok I want to know how to make it read the .chk file.
Find the .chk file specs somewhere on campaigncreations, I think it is, then work from there.
I think the editors usually use the MPQ Control and extract the scenario.chk, then read it. Besides that, I can't help you because I haven't done anything with a map file before.
O.K. but I need something that will make it so you see the map.
There's nothing that can just do that. That's just like saying, "Hey, gimme your code so I don't have to do it.".
You have to go through the scenario.chk file in the scenraio.scm/.scx and place images on the screen for each one it finds.
Oh like if it reads that a unit is here make it place it there as an image.
Here is a file that specifies how to read .chks.
Here is how to load briefings.
There's a lot of people ehre who know alot more about this than me, like LegacyWeapon, Clokr_, and Heimdal. I'd suggest contacting them if you need some help in the file specs.
Thank you. I have them in an html file on my computer, and a hex editor.
Don't forget SI and DTBK!!!
Or at least I think DTBK is a programmer...
Yea, but I don't think he does anything with SC or ant client side languages. Well, I gues Python technically is one, but, still.
I do, but I don't do anything with SC, so I can help to an extent.
Yea, I forgot SI though, also DiscipleOfAdun could help too, probably.
Ok Should I make it read hex or chars. Neither I know how to do.
Not everything reads characters 0-31 correctly (as I found with much trouble). Hex would probably be best.
Edit: Also if you go through the CHK Format thing, some things require you to edit "bits" (Such as in Forces), hex is more easily converted to Binary to edit a bit.
O.K. I have a hex editors sorce code for Xcode witch I have. How would I convert it to binery? I'm just starting with hexedit.
0 = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
A = 1010
B = 1011
C = 1100
D = 1101
E = 1110
F = 1111
If you are converting it 4 bits at a time (1 number in Hex Editor; Ex.: a "D"), then it would be 1101*.
*1101 according to our example of "D"
If you are doing 8-bit (2 numbers in Hex Editor (1 character); Ex.: "C4") then just put them together.
Ex.: C is 1100, F is 0100. Put them together to get 1100 0100
O.K. I don't get that this is what it looks like:
See in the middle you have "54595045040000005241574256455120" etc?
Look at each number of that. Then using the list go through each number and you get the binary. E.g. look for 5 on that list. "5 = 0101", so that would be 0101.
0 = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
A = 1010
B = 1011
C = 1100
D = 1101
E = 1110
F = 11110101 0100 0101 1001 0101 0000 0100 0101 0000 0100 0101 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 0010 0100 0001 0101 0111 0100 0010 0101 0110 0100 0101 0101 0001 0010 0000
Oh O.K. so then for player colors basicly add the numbers?
can "XScript" or whatever add numbers that are in Hex?
No but I have a hexeditor scource code. I'm going to try to make it edit the hex I thought up a way. It's Xcode
So for the number 21 put 2 and 3 in the same collum?
OK I found out the calculater that came with my mac is a converter it can conver it to hexadecimal.