Ok, Right now I am working on a clan, and I need some members, and staff. I can run the clan, but it has a help page (like SEN,) and I suck at making templates.
Here are the staff I need so far (x=not needed but helpful):
•A template designer (Ill pay 100 minerals per template)
•two tutorial managers (Ill randomly give random amounts of minerals)
•three Download Managers (random mineral amounts)
•(x) A translator (into french, or spanish) (random minerals)
•At least ten maps in the downloads.
•and at least three members (auto rank up)
The website is still being made, but I have 350 script I can use
Before it is up I need these staff, and the members. Translator optional. I only need about one template for now, as I need to pay the random minerals. The minerals are a bonus, as people here at staredit network seem to want them. For every really high quality template, I will give 200 minerals. Being on the staff is quite a privalidge.
And now some info about my clan/help site:
I have a dream about helping out hundreds of people a day, and I know how famous starcraft is. Because of that, I decided to make a help site. Then, at school somebody said that they dought I have the guts to run a clan, so the challenge is on. I decided to name this clan Brood Masters Union (BroodMU,) and get it to 50 clan members, and get houndreds of hits a day, so all of those people get helped. Starcraft is not a game, but a Clan is a serious thing. In a clan, you talk with real people without saying (dude, I roxorz, you are so Pwned by da 133t masta,) But in starcraft, you do.
Keeping this in mind, I decided to go on with the clan, so that is why I am asking you guys for help.
Please join, and change it from "I will help" to "we will help.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and think about it clearly. Do not join if you are not going to participate, only join if you wnat to be a part of something great.
add my msn, we'll talk more.