Well, I got the three primary MPQ's needed to run Scmdraft without having to install Starcraft on, because that comp's CD drive is broken. I got stardat.mpq, broodat.mpq and patchrt.mpq (or something like that). I'm safely assuming stardat.mpq is StarCraft's data, broodat.mpq is BroodWar's data, and patchrt.mpq are data from patches u get from B.net. Does that mean I gotta update the patchrt.mpq everytime there's a new patch out on B.net?
No you could just download the patch off blizzard.com but yes you do need to get the latest data or it wont work right when playing online if thats what your asking
So the patch_rt.mpq is based on the latest patch?
So let's say I make a map with v1.17 patch_rt.mpq, and then B.net is current at v1.18. Will the map not work properly? And if it doesn't, can I fix it by opening the map in ScmDraft with the latest patch_rt.mpq and saving it as a differnt file?
any patch_rt past 1.04 will work fine, the difference being that if you set custom unit values the default ones will be from 1.04 (IE uncheck use defaults but dont edit anything)