I dunno if we should do this but, I think it's time we get some user made maps currently in the regular section into the pro section.
Although I haven't made pictures for all of them, I would like it if you guys could look into some maps and nominate those you think are worthy of being placed in the melee Pro section. List them here and we will look into them and see if they are pro worthy.
I think that (2)Snakevine by pekkel_the_duck and valug's (2)2112 could pass for pro, They have some minor imbalances, but all in all they play pretty good.
Hmmm, I dont think we should start mixing the pro and the user made maps... I think its a bit unorganized that way. But hey, Im not DLDB keeper, you are. Knock yourself out... =/
None of these are in Pro section or Regular section, I would submit them, but I got 56k...
(4)Gamae Gowon
(4)Xeno_Sky / Legacy of Char
(4)Dahlia of Jungle
(2)Enter the Dragon
(2)Korhal of Ceres
(2)Ash Rose
And the only one thats actually in regular that should be in pro,
(4)Lost Temple
And the only one thats actually in regular that should be in pro,
(4)Lost Temple
...Yes, i'm sure we need to put that in pro because no one can go get a version of the map in their 'ladder' folder or by playing any of the non-money 1v1's on bnet...
we should have a section in maps just called lost temple with like all 40-50 versions of it. i could complain about the map itself...but..
not worth it.
I think it still deserves to be in a pro/tourney section...
It fits the pro section better than the regular, am i right? And I think its best not to remove it so I think it deserves to be moved.
Ugh... Personally, I think Lost Temple should just be removed completely. Who really needs to dl that?. If you don't have Lost Temple in your maps folder, then you bought the game illegally, get a job.
I think it still deserves to be in a pro/tourney section...
It fits the pro section better than the regular, am i right? And I think its best not to remove it so I think it deserves to be moved
yeah, it should be in a tourny section.
Well arden.. There are better versions then the one out, more balanced land/mineral issues, plus I know alot of people that delete the sc maps that come with sc since they blow so badly. Besides, it IS a tourney/pro map.
Hm... I guess there are better versions of it out. It would be nice is Blizzard could just release another patch that fixes Lost Temple yet again...