Pi <--------- Link
Look for your birthday in pi.
Example: My birthday=03/22/90
Search for 032290
Result = The string 032290 was found at position 1,749,887 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
41236053874893076034 032290 36959369649294694514
The string 051090 was found at position 31,886 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
70522379210325706937 051090 83078947999900499939
this query took 0.001130 seconds to process
The string 122791 was found at position 358,417 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string 1337 was found at position 4,813 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
I'm winning so far!
(in birthdays, ignoring 1337)
Im highest your lowest, so far..
The string 14159 was found at position 1 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string 81091 was found at position 64,151 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string 691993 was found at position 2,626,454 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
Beat that...
The luckiest people born are in 1/4/15, but probably dead right now.
What do you think? 3.1415
The string 04191990 was found at position 31,801,936 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
14291303804770893165 04191990 56111818748635167767
The string 010893 was found at position 259,478 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
010893 13227030643660409213
I feel sorry for those who doesn't have their birthday date on the first 2 million digits.
The string 092491was found at position 1,435,445 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
72911547372850358845 092491 23780962304183946103
this query took 0.008614 seconds to process
The string 12111988 did not occur in the first 200000000 digits of pi after position 0.
I have beaten everyone.
The string 666666666 was found at position 45,681,781 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
86731050497515079094 666666666 71734856294979983444
this query took 0.234658 seconds to process
The string 090486 was found at position 368,001 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
75610705724702998374 090486 01724376419814227043
this query took 0.002882 seconds to process
You guys have to use MM/DD/YY
as in if you have 5/10/90 as B-day, use 051090, not 51090.
I say whoever is closer to 3.14 is the winner, keke
The string 042690 was found at position 1,752,222 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
49739873081485141510 042690 35084920667368779914
this query took 0.010038 seconds to process
That was my B Day
I had more time because i had nothing to do... The closest birthday in pi was 06/28/62, which was at position 72. all the other ones were all wierd...
The string 082089 was found at position 3,699,649 counting from the first digit after the decimal point. The 3. is not counted.
The string and surrounding digits:
84067861809702684935 082089 55176344091786886479
From nice and very useful number Pi has now turned into crazy pile of random digits...