This map is terrible. It has no place in the pro map section of any map making site. It has so many unbalanced feature dealing with terrain and positioning.. I find it hard to believe that this has been in any tournament of any kind. I would just like to point out some faults this map has...
To start, the red arrows show the different distances from the choke to the min only expo outside each base. As you can see, they are all different paths of different lengths.
The yellow shows the distance from the Start location to the natural on top of the hill around each base. They are also varying lengths.
The green shows that the player can come out of his choke, make static D with units and contain the other player while roaming the rest of the map. Blue would have to break through red and teal would have to break through purp to get to the rest of the map.
Finally, the orange shows that purps min only can be tanked by any player.
Also, another major unbalance along with everything else is the nat inside the main, it makes it too easy for a player to take it and hole up...
Tell me what you think, arguments against or new faults on the map, post em.
yenku, this is what i'm talkin about.
A lot of pro maps are like...mega bad...unbalanced piles of garbage...I think what makes this site attractive to meleers is their own stuff getting into a 'pro' section, so thats why i thought maybe these crappy maps that are still "pro" should just be in a tournament section...and regular and pro are still there, but just user maps. Because i've seen some people make maps better than 'pro tournament' maps...
and those faults are all valid. totally agree, cant say much else
I can see your reasoning.
I just sent IsolatedPurity and MiniMoose2707 a PM asking them to simply make one more melee category called recommended and have the description say something like user-made maps that are highly recommended or w/e.
Great idea, I really appreciate it. After school sometime or on the weekend I'll find some maps I think are worthy.
that's pretty cool. i just finished my programming class final, and surprisingly, this site isn't blocked by their anti-pr0n anti-video game violence etc blocker thing...
so i have nothing better to do today and in a couple days than sit here and go through EVERY melee map and see what i like.
Therefore, we have a section with actual good maps...a section with tourament maps (one section for the "good" tourny maps and the not-so-good tourny maps), and a section with other quality maps that just barely don't make it into 'recommended'.
thanks a lot millennium!