I have a limited knowledge about macs ( and modding to a lesser extent) but I can say that you would go about it in a similar fashion as on a windows computer. You will need modding programs (Arsenal III , Ice , Memgraft & WinMPQ), which you can get either: on this site's download database or by looking them up on the web. you should then take the numerous tutorials that are on this site.
Macs can't use .exe's and those programs aren't going to work only things in the Mac tools.
QUOTE(xXIanXx @ Jan 18 2006, 11:22 AM)
Then name says it all.
programs. basically if you have a mac.. than you are.. screwed... Mac's are limited to soo much. I don't even think mac people know what mods are. Hehe.
Nuke made mods I was going to ask how but...
There is some MPQ archivers and Arsenal Zero for macs, and i think theres IceCC for macs, or at least you can compile it for mac.
Too bad Mac Customs Lair died... they'd be able to help you.
mpq control for MAC here :
http://www.wc3sear.ch/?p=Tools&ID=4i was saw Arsenal Zero for macs somewhere but i can't find where there are now~!
and icecc can compile with java so if mac support that then can make iscript.bin for MAC
also *.Smk format can make too with Smaker for Mac version
but there are 2 many have limit Modding
I guess that you'd need to recompile AZ and IceCC under Mac and see what happens. I just presume the same (or similar) libraries are present at this platform....or are they?
AZ and icecc I have and dropmpq and winmpq and mpq2k, but I don't know how to use them I tryed the tutorials but they didn't help.
IceCC is written in C, not Java.
QUOTE(Doodle77(MM) @ Feb 10 2006, 12:29 PM)
IceCC is written in C, not Java.
i know , i mean exactly iscritpt.bin compiler/Decompiler of iceCC that work with java Runtime i said not about New iceCC for Mac
if sended different mean , understand my using English grammar
I understand and iceCC is already made for macs.