QUOTE(Javaboy @ Jan 22 2006, 08:17 PM)
Are there any tutorials? becuase all the ones I've seen dont explain this.
Ok then i explain some , but first, plz understand me if my english is poor ( i can not speak english verywell
cause i'm korean and live in Seoul South Korea so my main language is Koean )
ok, right~! then i start some tutorial about Ice
1. basic knowhow for before the beginning first , running Ice and start load custom isript.bin files or load Default file on File menus of Ice
then u can start scripting now~!
select unit in Header taps or typing units id number what u want change thing and click to search by header btn
then u can see unit images in GRP prieview Tap
u can see each offset numbers of headers in Entry Header tap that number is what header used that scripts contents
so if u change offset number then that header action's scripts will change to that numbers script
2. way to change and goto offset ok, i will explain to an example is
"Terran marines" in this section
"Animation Scripts" tap and are there many animaitons headers
that animations exist each offset numbers
u can see find that numbers on
"script offset" line that position of layout is lower of right side
ok first , choose
"Initial Animation" in Animations drop down list
and then showed operation code sripts in center contents box
each code line has own offset number too like animation headers can find that number on "op Offset:" line
let's see the
" Terran marine's Initial Animation" CODE
place active underlay [images.dat] 240 at vertical offset 0
play frame 68
wait either 63 or 75 ticks [random]
using randomizer value[?] 25 , jump to offset 28964
using randomizer value[?] 128 , jump to offset 28942
Go to offset 28928
u can find three offset codes in here that offset codes deferent operation to eachother but both action will be goto other offset
check offset codes in scripts contents
"jump to offset 28964" -> this will go to other animations at randomly , ramdom time is values number -> "value[?] 25 "
and if u want find that offset number where are going ?
typing that number "28964" in "Goto offset" input box and click "goto" btn
then u can see changed srcipt contents and find changed number "28964" on "scripts offset" line
that mean is srcipt offset goto one after the other codes must exist where are going next offset code or finishing operation codes
let's see other offset codes at last line
"Go to offset 28928" -> this code mean is where are going next animation when this script action finished
and u can go that offset directly, select that code line and just double click
then u can jump to that offset
"Go to offset" operation always can jump by that ways
if u want change jump offset ? then select offset number area and click one time,
then number color be changes other color and u can edit that number
Remember, offset number is linked animations contents so u may write number without error in animation ( this mean is that unit must be can running all operation codes with changed offset)
see "Go to offset 28928" again,
and double click that line and jump to that offset
then scripts change showed that deleted upper codes some lines as compared with Initial Animation
that is "Other" header in IceCC (when unit has not doing anything action for a while)
if u want change that scripts codes then u edit codes ur self firsthand
or otherway is goto "Entry Header" tap and change Initial Animation
section's number as other unit's "Initial Animation" offset number such as zealots etc...
the way is click [...] like this button and popup "Set Animation windows"
select units header as u want things and select that's animations too , click to [ok] button then "Initial Animation" offset number
be changed and u can see changed operations codes in srcipts contents box of Animation Scripts Taps
Remember again, u may write offset number without error , this is very important about crash game
if changed operation code be can not running for Terran Marines (such as "unable play frames number" or written wrong id numbers)
3. randomizing functions in scripts this section is about how can add new operation codes
goto Animation Scripts tap
and u can see a lot of buttons, input box and contents area form
1 . Animation [...........................................] (dropdown list)
this is showed about unit what has animation headers
recorded animations is linked to situation of "Entry Header" setting
if each Entry Header item be registered then showed that animations in Animation dropdown list
2. scripts contents form box
this box is showed what header written a operation codes
and u can edit the value each opcodes , copy paste and delete code too
3.command buttons
there are many command buttons , this buttton will creat new code and command other operation
[New] - > this is write new operation code in Scripts lines
click that and popup "New Opcode" windows and select opcodes as u wanna write things and click to [ok] then created line and new code in Scripts contents form
[copy] -> copy to selected line codes
[paste] -> paste codes (there are some bug in ice u may click twowise at first time)
[up] -> selected codes is move up one line
[jump] -> scripts header jump to selected offset codes
[Delete] -> Delete code line
[Cut] -> same to Del
[Hex] -> Hex edit
[Down] -> selected codes is move down one line
[Back] -> go to offset ago
4.Offset search area
in lower of right side , u can see search offset area
Goto Offset [ ] [Goto] -> this is search offset written numbers
Script Offset : -> this is showed current Animation header's offset number
Op Offset : this is showed current operation code's offset number
Detail of [New] button jump to popup "New Opcode" windows if u want write new operation code like "play frame 17" then u may click [New] btn
and choose that opcode in opcoed drop-down list and change frame number value
All operation codes are be writed like that ways
i can't explain now about each opcodes because u can find and search out that opcodes meaning with original scripts of other units
ok, this tutorial is not rub a person the right way and my english not good i know that plz understand me ~!
anyway i hope this tut help to beginner Ice