It tookt hat from the staff page's admin section, I have doubts about much of that pages truth, for example.
Name: Michael
Contact: Send Private Message
Age: 21
Job: Administrator
Favourite Word: N/A
Favourite Quote: "Time is of the essence."
Best map ever made: The one in my head.
Worst map ever made: N/A
Special Information: Isolated Purity is the primary programmer and keeps the site in one piece.
Mini Moose 2707
Name: wang Hertz
Contact: Send Private Message
Age: (pi + 423i)
Job: Admin, Comic Relief, eats all the food and leaves.
Favourite Word: Moo
Favourite Quote: "The difference between rape and seduction is salesmanship."
Best map ever made: Überena
Worst map ever made: Blind Snipers. Vision triggers were too much fun back then.
Special Information: According to legend and the infrequency of actual coding, it has been rumored that each time he codes may trigger the rapture. All work and no play makes Moose a dull moose.
Name: Mike Lat
Contact: N/A
Age: 17 (at retirement)
Job: Makin' Bacon.
Favourite Word: floccinaucinihilipilification
Favourite Quote: "Wort Wort Wort!"
Best map ever made: The Matrix (uncompleted)
Worst map ever made: Sniper Arena
Special Information: Yoshi da Sniper is the orginal founder of Staredit Network back in July 2003. While he is retired, it is rumored that if you say his name enough times he will appear.