Tags usually have an opening, and a closing. I'll use the 'font' set of tags for examples.
The font tag is opened and closed with <font> and </font>. Slashes indicate closing tags, and all tags are held in triangular brakcets.
The font tag has several different attributes;
- Size, indicates the size of the typing between the opening and closing font tags witht he attribute You can control it several different ways, such as <font size=#> where the number would be the size you want. <font size='+'> or <font size='-'> These will simply increase or decrease the current size. Don't use + and -.
- Color! Indicates the colour your formatted text will be, can either be written as a hexidecimal triplet, or as a name, msot are gonig to be triplets if you really wanna get into this. Eg, <font color='hotpink'> would be the same as, say <color=#'FC0FC0'>
They're others, but I won't go into detail. You can combine them anyway you want, such as <font size=7 color=#'FC0FC0'> Textextext </font>*
*[sub][sub]If you put this on a website I'll kill you. [/sub][/sub]
See here for more details,