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Staredit Network -> SCMDraft -> ?Crashes?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-04 at 00:06:48
Ok, I have SCMDraft and I used it for a while, renamed lots of the extra units, but it crashed...???WTF!!! ranting.gif mad.gif ranting.gif What units crash SCMDraft and what units crash Starcraft?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-02-04 at 01:37:52
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Feb 4 2006, 12:06 AM)
Ok, I have SCMDraft and I used it for a while, renamed lots of the extra units, but it crashed...???WTF!!!  ranting.gif  mad.gif  ranting.gif What units crash SCMDraft and what units crash Starcraft?

No units should crash SCMD2. Could you say which units exactly you had renamed?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VSMIT on 2006-02-04 at 23:05:43
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Feb 3 2006, 09:06 PM)
What units crash SCMDraft and what units crash Starcraft?

Units shouldn't crash SCMDraft. However, you must remember that it is still in production. There will be bugs that need to be fixed.

The Independent Command Center, all of the Unused buildings, and the [race] Marker units crash StarCraft when you look at them. Some units also crash StarCraft if you disable them using triggers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-02-05 at 02:01:34
QUOTE(VSMIT @ Feb 4 2006, 11:05 PM)
Units shouldn't crash SCMDraft.  However, you must remember that it is still in production.  There will be bugs that need to be fixed.

The Independent Command Center, all of the Unused buildings, and the [race] Marker units crash StarCraft when you look at them.  Some units also crash StarCraft if you disable them using triggers.

The fact that it's still in production isn't an excuse and shouldn't be used as one.

However, to the original poster: do tell us what the units were that crashed SCMD2 (as well as the version that you used).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-05 at 22:03:36
Ok, the unit I put was... I dont remember, but I think it crashed also when I put a building on a blank terrain space on a instillation map. I was using Prerelease 0.6.0 and it crashed.

What units in that extra area dont crash starcraft?

P.S. How do I get minerals?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-02-05 at 22:28:24
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Feb 5 2006, 10:03 PM)
Ok, the unit I put was... I dont remember, but I think it crashed also when I put a building on a blank terrain space on a instillation map.  I was using Prerelease 0.6.0 and it crashed.

What units in that extra area dont crash starcraft?

P.S. How do I get minerals?

Any unit that has its own image/animations in the SC .mpq's wouldn't crash it, regardless of where it was placed. However, units placed on cliffs and other impassible terrain (I think this includes null terrain as you asked) will automatically get removed.

Meaning, the only units that would crash SC are the independent ones without their own images (meaning Independent Command Center and the like).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-05 at 22:34:33
I REMEMBER NOW!!! It crashed when I was placing terrain at 25% zoom. It said "something bad happened, want to create a *strange word* file?"

Mmmm... well that sucks... And why are there units you can place that crash starcraft, that makes no sense.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-02-06 at 01:07:41
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Feb 5 2006, 10:34 PM)
I REMEMBER NOW!!! It crashed when I was placing terrain at 25% zoom.  It said "something bad happened, want to create a *strange word* file?"

Mmmm... well that sucks...  And why are there units you can place that crash starcraft, that makes no sense.

It makes perfect sense: you tell SC to display an image which doesn't exist.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-07 at 00:08:17
Well, ok, that makes some sense... some... But, why did it ask me to save a disgonsicigebnfibas file? I DONT GET IT, IF IT HAS A SPECIAL FEATURE, THE FEATURE SHOULD AT LEAST WORK!!! mad.gif But, I am not a programmer, so I shouldn't be talking. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-02-07 at 15:49:13
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Feb 7 2006, 12:08 AM)
Well, ok, that makes some sense... some... But, why did it ask me to save a disgonsicigebnfibas file? I DONT GET IT, IF IT HAS A SPECIAL FEATURE, THE FEATURE SHOULD AT LEAST WORK!!! mad.gif But, I am not a programmer, so I shouldn't be talking. happy.gif

That's the diagnostic file that would theoretically help SI/DW to track down the bug that occured. Honestly, you don't have to be a programmer to understand the word "diagnostic." What feature are you talking about??

However, last I heard it was of no use to them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-08 at 23:27:59
Im talking about the zooming feature, where you zoom out and yout still able to place terrain. It told me to save a diagnostic file... Why doesn't it work, is it a bug in the version 0.6.0 beta? And do any other things crash SCMDraft?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Azu on 2006-02-09 at 00:37:52
QUOTE(evolipel @ Feb 5 2006, 11:07 PM)
It makes perfect sense: you tell SC to display an image which doesn't exist.

That makes no sense. What is the point of that, besides if you want to crash someone's SC as part of a ban feature or something?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-09 at 00:42:34
well... yeah, i guess thats the point, u still here azu?

O, and if anyone could answer this, i dont really want to make a nwe forum, but...

Ok, I'm making a map where there is a long passage. In the passage are enemy units the are patroling back and forth. I want a dramatic effect, is there a way to see everything in the passage, EXCEPT for what those enemy units see? I tried a few triggers, but didnt work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Azu on 2006-02-09 at 08:42:08
Answered that question in the map support thingy place =/
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Demaris on 2006-02-09 at 09:59:31

Flag sprites crash SCMDraft.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-02-09 at 15:41:58
QUOTE(Azu @ Feb 9 2006, 12:37 AM)
That makes no sense. What is the point of that, besides if you want to crash someone's SC as part of a ban feature or something?

It makes perfect sense why it crashes, not why you would want it to crash.

...but yes, ban/antihack features use unused units that crash SC.

Edit: this thread is getting way too spammy, and is off-topic (the question has already been answered).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Azu on 2006-02-09 at 19:07:06
Yes it makes sence why it crashes it but it doesn't make sence why anyone would want to do that besides banning and stuff..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-02-09 at 22:21:08
How do i make it so no one talks on this forum, MY QUESTION IS ANSWERED!!! STOP TALKING FOR MINERALS!!! Ok Case Closed
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Azu on 2006-02-10 at 08:46:06
Click on the "Moderation tools" thing on the bottum left corner of the screen and close "Close topic" wink.gif
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