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Staredit Network -> Modding Assistance -> Just a few questions
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-02-10 at 18:01:33
Just like the title, only a few questions (hopefully their easy to answer tongue.gif )

1. which ai script is used for multiplayer broodwar games (curious if its "Zerg Expansion Custom Level" and if so, how do I make it create brood-war units without crashing regular starcraft or freezing up the ai script)

2. I noticed in my iscript that instead of spawning the zerg building death iscript it spawns the arbitor tribunal building iscript and I was wonderring if the text file has it mis-labelled or if its some weird error

3. I was thinking about updating IceCC to add a few commands and fix a few labels and was wonderring if thats worth all the trouble (not sure if I'll start it)

4. just out of curiosity, does anyone know what a unknown other then weapon targetting does in orders.dat?

Edit: Since the text file got messed up during upload, here's a quote from it


imgul09         277 0 0 # CommandCenterShad (terran\tccShad.grp)
imgol08         101 0 0 # InfestedCommandCenterOverlay (zerg\infest03.grp)

playsnd         7 # Misc\ExploLrg.wav
imgol08         334 0 0 # TerranBuildingExplosionlarge (thingy\tBangX.grp)
imgul09         60 0 0  # ZergBuildingDeath (thingy\zBldDths.grp)
wait            3
__3f_condjmp    local108
sprul11         274 0 0 # TerranBuildingRubblelarge (thingy\RubbleL.grp)
imgol08         187 0 0 # ZergBuildingRubbleLarge (thingy\ZRubbleL.grp)
wait            1

wait            1

Put it in a CODE box for lining-up capacity. //DTBK
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2006-02-11 at 00:54:42
Hi, I have a few spare moments so I think I might spend them on you.

1. You had it right, Zerg Expansion Custom Level. I don't believe there's anything about the unit IDs of the Devourer/other Brood War units that would make them crash, I wouldn't understand if the original StarCraft was hard-coded to crash when those particular unit IDs are created. My belief is that as long as you have all of the settings right for the Brood War units and all of the files linked correctly just like any other regular unit, StarCraft wouldn't have any problem at all with creating Brood War units. But it'd basically be like creating new units if you're talking about modding the original StarCraft with the new Brood War units. That means, you will need to have mastered all aspects behind how a unit works in StarCraft, minus a few parts which would already have been done for you.

2. I think you just need to change your imgol08 187 command with a sprul11 187 command. A sprite and an image are different but share a relationship, basically an image is a subordinate of a sprite. I don't have the time to explain it at the moment, but I'm sure I've posted the description of the whole flingy->sprite->image chain thing at somewhere so you could search for that.

3. I don't know, once new modders come to some modding forums and get told not to trust the command names they seem to pick that up pretty fast. It'd be cool if things were fixed, but only if you have the time because it might not help most of the people who have already made the transition to IceCC.

4. Heh... when it comes to orders.dat, I've got one compound word for you: DiscipleOfAdun. I remember seeing DiscipleOfAdun post something on about orders.dat but I didn't put whatever he posted into practice so I think it's left my brain for good.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 08:39:00
You may notice that there is a fix for IceCC made by me in the DLDB, it changes shvertpos to setverpos and __1econdjmp to randcondjump.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-02-11 at 09:48:37
Yes I did notice that, but I was talking about fixing a bit more then 2 iscript commands tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 09:52:26
I can build IceCC now, so tell me if theres any others that need to be fixed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Darktossgen(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 10:08:53
Your IceCC Version wont compile :@)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 11:42:24
??? since when did i ever make an icecc version from source code?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-02-11 at 11:51:50
A few posts up you sayd the one in the dldb was made by you (was actually made by Moose77)

Edit: nevermind you are Moose you just changed your name tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 12:50:12
Yes. What are the others that need to be fixed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-02-11 at 13:39:43
QUOTE(Doodle77(MM) @ Feb 11 2006, 12:50 PM)
Yes. What are the others that need to be fixed.

Heres the list I made so far, sorry if some names are too long/hard to remember tongue.gif

imgol08 = imgol
imgul09 = imgul
switchu1 = switchund (or switchu)
imgol0d = indimgol (or iimgol)
sprol0f = indsprol (or isprol)
sprol10 = indtopsprol (or itopsprol, or itsprol)
sprul11 = indbotsprul (or ibotsprul, or ibsprol)
sprol13 = sprol
sprol15 = indsprollo (or isprollo)
attack25 = attackwith
attack26 = attack
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 14:19:38
shvertpos = setvertpos
__04 = sethorpos

SCU has a nice reference of Iscript.bin commands:
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2006-02-11 at 14:23:32
Thanks to BSTRhino, FEI smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-11 at 20:00:15
Whatever, DoA says he has lots of things that are needed besides name changes. so I am awating a pm from him.
Some you missed:
__35 call
__36 return
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2006-02-11 at 22:00:45
What does FEI mean BroodKiller? Is that like FYI with an E?

Reading that list I think I screwed up the descriptions on some of those commands or not stated their use clearly enough. I've been meaning to finish that reference at one point but for now just trust it like you would with the IceCC manual, that is, it's probably wrong if you haven't tested it for yourself. I haven't even tested some of the things in that guide on SCU, but I am pretty sure about all of them even if I've only guessed their function through observation.

imgol08 = imgol
imgul09 = imgul
switchu1 = switchund (or switchu)
imgol0d = indimgol (or iimgol)
sprol0f = indsprol (or isprol)
sprol10 = indtopsprol (or itopsprol, or itsprol)
sprul11 = indbotsprul (or ibotsprul, or ibsprol)
sprol13 = sprol
sprol15 = indsprollo (or isprollo)
attack25 = attackwith
attack26 = attack

I think it's good you're doing this actually, and it's nice because I thought it'd involve lots of work but I guess not. I just wanted to provide some input about the command names.

First, I think the attack names are appropriate, it's just some of the other commands.
I haven't been able to use the switchul command successfully and so I don't think it's safe to assume that it actually switches an underlay. If you've got it working then I guess that means it really does switch underlays and I should use the trick in my next mod.

With the "ind" thing, which I'm guessing means independent, it's probably not necessary to say that. I think what the ICE guy meant when he said "place an independent sprite overlay" or whatever, is that sprites are separate (or independent) from the main graphic. All sprites are independent, so it's not entirely necessary. It's your choice though, but if you want to do that then it might make sense to have every sprite command prefixed with "ind".

For imgol0d, I don't think the "independent" means the same thing as it does for sprites. The imgol0d is actually the same as imgol08, the only difference is you don't specify offsets to imgol0d (disregard whatever the IceCC manual says) you supply LO file information and the vertical and horizontal offsets are taken from that (DiscipleOfAdun worked that out). So I don't know, maybe it's better described as imgolwithlofile or something. In the same way, I think sprol13 could be better described as sprulwithlofile and sprol15 could be better described as sprolwithlofile.

There are a whole lot of other commands which we've found out and could be renamed, but since I already wrote what I think the commands do on SCU I guess you could work off that.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BroodKiller on 2006-02-12 at 09:04:15
QUOTE(BSTRhino @ Feb 12 2006, 05:00 AM)
What does FEI mean BroodKiller? Is that like FYI with an E?

Correct, just that instead of 'For Your Information' it says 'For Everyone's Information' smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TERRAINFIGHTER on 2006-02-12 at 11:38:03
QUOTE(Doodle77(MM) @ Feb 11 2006, 08:00 PM)
Whatever, DoA says he has lots of things that are needed besides name changes. so I am awating a pm from him.
Some you missed:
__35 call
__36 return

You mean like the few commands not included in IceCC?

I was thinking about posting them but I decided it woul'nt be good in case he doesnt want me to tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-12 at 19:17:06
yeah, I know about them, I know my brothers password. I pmed DoA about this and he says he's making a list.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DiscipleOfAdun on 2006-02-14 at 10:02:59
Okay, I'm putting this here so that I can get dissenting opinions. Note, this is only the instructions that I know of that you haven't really said much about changing. Wait for me to get the header part up before you compile.

__02 - sethorpos <byte>
__04 - setpos <byte(horizontal)> <byte(vertical)>
__12 - uflunstable <word> don't ask how to use it, it's a mess of complicated restrictions

These two are the engine ones, just quick names, change if you want
__2b - engfram <byte>
__2c - engset <byte>

__23 - setspawnframe or gotoframe, not sure which - ask BST which name is right or test yourself. Can't remember if it is applied to the spawn or the change. Used in installation trap missile turret.

__37 - chngflspeed <word> - if the unit has a speed variable, change to word. This is the opcode that I'm proudest to have solved. smile.gif

trgarccondjmp - trgposcondjmp (variable the same)
__3c - curdirectcondjmp (same variables)

__3f - curliftoffcondjmp

__40 - warpoverlay (same variable) - um, just to give it a name?

__44 - dogrddamage

sprol0e - sprul

Use TERRAINFIGHTER's list for some of the rest, except the underlay switching one. I'm pretty sure it is a replace underlay, but I'm not sure, because of the I've got the asm commented partially on that one, so I'll go look at it. If you guys disagree with something I've put, tell me why and we'll see if we can't get it worked out. Soon, I'll have the header info up.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-14 at 18:38:15
trgarccondjmp should stay the same, because thats what it does, it jumps if the target in in the arc, not in __ postion.

__3f - liftoffcondjmp
cur seems unecessary if all it does is check for liftoff.

There is no sprol0e, there is a imgol0e.

Remaining Unknowns:
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DiscipleOfAdun on 2006-02-14 at 19:05:03
Oh, ok. anyway, that was written up when I was about half awake.

__0c - not used

__12 -
__12 - uflunstable <word> don't ask how to use it, it's a mess of complicated restrictions
It stands for Unique FLingy UNSTABLE. As for what it does, 98% of the time it will crash, but there is a use for it, I think.

__23 - I'll get an acurate name soon....

__2d - umm, deals with the cursor, don't know what it should be called

__3d - spullnextid - spawns next ID as an underlay at <horiz> <vert>

__3e - not used

__43 - not used
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2006-02-14 at 22:04:45
Okay, Enjoy your IceCC
The Iscript-instr.c or whatever file contains the current listing of opcodes.
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