What does FEI mean BroodKiller? Is that like FYI with an E?
Reading that list I think I screwed up the descriptions on some of those commands or not stated their use clearly enough. I've been meaning to finish that reference at one point but for now just trust it like you would with the IceCC manual, that is, it's probably wrong if you haven't tested it for yourself. I haven't even tested some of the things in that guide on SCU, but I am pretty sure about all of them even if I've only guessed their function through observation.
imgol08 = imgol
imgul09 = imgul
switchu1 = switchund (or switchu)
imgol0d = indimgol (or iimgol)
sprol0f = indsprol (or isprol)
sprol10 = indtopsprol (or itopsprol, or itsprol)
sprul11 = indbotsprul (or ibotsprul, or ibsprol)
sprol13 = sprol
sprol15 = indsprollo (or isprollo)
attack25 = attackwith
attack26 = attack
I think it's good you're doing this actually, and it's nice because I thought it'd involve lots of work but I guess not. I just wanted to provide some input about the command names.
First, I think the attack names are appropriate, it's just some of the other commands.
I haven't been able to use the switchul command successfully and so I don't think it's safe to assume that it actually switches an underlay. If you've got it working then I guess that means it really does switch underlays and I should use the trick in my next mod.
With the "ind" thing, which I'm guessing means independent, it's probably not necessary to say that. I think what the ICE guy meant when he said "place an independent sprite overlay" or whatever, is that sprites are separate (or independent) from the main graphic. All sprites are independent, so it's not entirely necessary. It's your choice though, but if you want to do that then it might make sense to have every sprite command prefixed with "ind".
For imgol0d, I don't think the "independent" means the same thing as it does for sprites. The imgol0d is actually the same as imgol08, the only difference is you don't specify offsets to imgol0d (disregard whatever the IceCC manual says) you supply LO file information and the vertical and horizontal offsets are taken from that (DiscipleOfAdun worked that out). So I don't know, maybe it's better described as imgolwithlofile or something. In the same way, I think sprol13 could be better described as sprulwithlofile and sprol15 could be better described as sprolwithlofile.
There are a whole lot of other commands which we've found out and could be renamed, but since I already wrote what I think the commands do on SCU I guess you could work off that.