QUOTE(EzDay281 @ Feb 19 2006, 02:50 PM)
I'm just wondering what a few of the animation scripts do.
Begin/End unbreakable code section
Unbreakable code makes it so you cant interrupt the script by telling the unit to move somewhere.
(?) Ignore other opcodes
Most pointless opcode ever. Ignores everything until a goto
Using randomizer value (?) %1, jump to offset %2 ( What is the first variable? )
The first variable is the number of chances out of 255 I believe
(?) Send signal to unit for order: %1 ( Only place I've seen this is in missile animations, and it always seems to be 1... )
Thats the only place you will ever use it. It tells missiles to die I believe
Use weapon (weapons.dat) %1 ( Actualy, I'm just wondering the specifics of this; I tried setting Hydralisk to use the Hero Hydralisk's attack the first time it attacks, which was Seeker Spores, but instead of having them fly at the target as they should have, they act as though I set them to "Appear on target" )
useweapon does not actually make any missiles appear, so it doesnt make the seeker spores fly to their target
Move graphic %1 units forward ( 1 unit = 1 pixel? Also, what does it mean by "forward"? )
move is used in units that have non-flingy movement, like zerglings and marines. %1 is in pixels. It moves units in the direction they are facing.
Attack with projectile spawned from angle %1 ( Will this just cause the missile to start with 'inertia' going in the selected angle? Also, what increments is it going in? Clockwise or counterclockwise? )
I have no idea. The angle is an angle that is probably similar to the one in tgtarccondjmp
Temporarily remove graphic ( How long is 'temporarily'? )
Play graphic again after temporarily removed (by op 0x32) ( Is this what defines how long 'temporarily' in the previous opcode is? )
If (?) unknown then goto offset %1
Use my updated version here in the DLDB
If target in arc with starting angle at %1 clockwise from -45 degrees, until %2 degrees, goto offset %0 ( uhh... actually, it might just be best to point me to a script that actually uses this thing... >_> )
The sunken colony script uses this to have the tounge stick out in the right direction.
If (?) unknown goto offset %1
same as above.
Thanks to anyone that can help.