ok well Im wanting to give my marines flash lights
Ive got the graphics for the flashlight beam but dont quiet get it(i want the beam to be outside the circle for the marine when hes been clicked on
basically Starcraft is not exist anythings about that flash light graphics/animation
so u should make custom *.grp files(starcraft graphic format) and rewrite animation Scripts
how to make those? just digging tutorials in this Starcraft network website
and just click this Topic tiltle's threads then u can get how to make that ways
The selection circle does not automatically expand to fit the graphic. (You can see this if you ever open units.dat with ArsenalIII or DatEdit or the like.) Just take a screenshot of a selected marine and use that to see where your flashlight beam should hit the ground in order to be outside the select circle. Note that your flashlight beam will overlap the circle on top, and I don't know how to fix that, honestly.
ok thanks yeah Im going to do a doom3 and avp mod with flashlights for the infantry units