Guys, come on, the melee forum's been dead for like a month. Give the guy credit for trying.
My old shiz was purely disgusting, and my "new" ones aren't even real. They're like things that I gave up on 1/6th of the way through and went like DEHHH.
Seeing the things on BWMN was just one more reason for me to give up map making's not even fun when you have no chance of being recognized or your map even being respected by anyone.
Jabberwocky, aside from the fact that you're named after that poem I read in english, I'll have to say your map isn't horrible. It's not the worst that it could be ; ). Try to find ULTIMAT ALIEN.scm and you'll know what I mean.
However, the layout and expansion mineral placement leaves much to be desired =(
gj though, I know ima get flamed for posting this, but it looks like the type of thing I'd play with my friends likea year ago because it was so silly it's fun.