QUOTE(Merrell @ Mar 4 2006, 10:58 AM)
Why? You're signature is flaming, and I don't think you deserve a warn decrease until you chill out and/or grow up.
QUOTE(GgG-Deathawk @ Mar 4 2006, 11:01 AM)
I think he wants it lowered because 100% sort of inferrs he should be banned and stuff. You know, once you hit 100%, you get banned. And if it matters, I agree with you Merrell --;
And I reported you ~ 5 times because you were flaming, so I guess it's not only Merrell who thinks you flamed.
BTW, you spelt Merrell wrong in your sig Zombie.
See this is what i mean, You crybabys come in for no reason and start flaming. There is report one. I see that deathhawk's posts are pretty much spam. with a bunch of random crap inculding them. Report Two. I watch you're posts, I also gather information that the fact is that you guys are nothing but trouble, I only flame back. You guys start it.
QUOTE(GgG-Deathawk @ Mar 4 2006, 11:07 AM)
Well then you're probably reporting me for no reason then.
Good luck getting your warn level decreased. I guess you never learned anything from the suspension.
No reason eh? thats a joke. Learn what? that merrell is a baby?