Ok, I've found a program (tile editor), that can add new terrain
. I have photshop and have already done some blendings of terrain in that to try it out
First can I do these things.
1) combine all the tilesets into one tileset and add blends for all of the diferent types.
2) I doubt I can do this one in melee, I know it's really easy to do in UMS, but I was wanting something so you can add these to melee. A terrain that is impassable by air units? (I was going to make it a green cloud looking thing that air units woulden't be able to "see" through so they are unable to go past it), I doubt this is possible but would be really cool =P.
3) a really high ground (not high jungle but a whole level up) and lower ground. And the 50% disadvantage still applies.
Some things I plan to do...
1) Backwards Ramps/Bridges, higher cliffs most the things you have to work and work with terrain work to do.
2) More unwalkable/unbuilable terrain, cause water can get really boring =P.
3) And just some new terrain in general.
If anybody has any ideas please tell me. I don't want to do any work on unit stats or unit graphics, cause I want to get people to play it, and feel that it has more of a chance of getting played if it just adds some nice things, and dosen't screw up gameplay at all =P.
I wanted to have the no air terrain be an overlay to the other terrains, would that work as a doodad that is placeable on all terrains? or would I have to remake every terain with the cloud over it?
Oh and I realize I will have to make my own terrain placing program to be able to place this stuff without having to do it square by sqaure.
And I had a question, can you make terrain that has an opacity (I think it would have to act like a doodad, but not sure) am still having trouble with getting tileedit to work =P.
ok, so to start off with can anyone tell me where to get the tileset files? they are supposed to be cv5 files it appears, and I can't find any in the starcraft directory. In case I can't make my own tileset (which I doubt I can), I will be using the instalation tileset as a base.
QUOTE(Syrreph @ Mar 9 2006, 03:23 PM)
ok, so to start off with can anyone tell me where to get the tileset files? they are supposed to be cv5 files it appears, and I can't find any in the starcraft directory.
Download WinMPQ from the DLDB and open StarDat.mpq and/or BrooDat.mpq, the files are in there.
First can I do these things.
1) combine all the tilesets into one tileset and add blends for all of the diferent types.
2) I doubt I can do this one in melee, I know it's really easy to do in UMS, but I was wanting something so you can add these to melee. A terrain that is impassable by air units? (I was going to make it a green cloud looking thing that air units woulden't be able to "see" through so they are unable to go past it), I doubt this is possible but would be really cool =P.
3) a really high ground (not high jungle but a whole level up) and lower ground. And the 50% disadvantage still applies.
1.)I doubt you can do this, and even if you could it would look really awkward.
3.)No, you can only change what they look like unless you're into programming.
uhmmm, why can't I do the first one? You just use instalation, and put all the tiles into the instalation tileset and then make your mods off that...
how much programing would diferent levels of highground require?
And about it looking aquard yea sure some things will, but I'm just not going to make any blends of things that look that weird. Some things will look quite nice though, snow on twilight dirt? Badlands Grass on sand dunes? dirt on space (to give it kinda natural feel in some "undeveloped" corners") I'm not going to include every blending option, I will only include the ones that look good (unless you can do opacity stuff, in which case naturaly every blend will be included, becuase there won't be any blending involved =P.
And with opacity, the reason it seems possible, and impossible at the same time is that some doodads have opacity on parts of them, (tops of trees and other stuff), but it seems if it was possible blizzard woulden't have had all those blending tiles in the first place. So can someone clarify?
I found all the tileset files from broodat.mpq, but where are the ones in stardat.mpq, I can't find the tileset folders, the whole mpq seems to be archived diferently which seems really weird o0.
and does anyone know the properties of midground (like raised jungle?) I'm thinking maybe I can use this to get multiple levels if it works like I think it does).
Ugh, also does anyone know if I have enough room in the tilesets to do what I want to do? is there enough enough room to put all the existing tileset files in instalation (including doodads?), and how much room do I have to add my own stuff then?
Each tileset has a specific palette, try loading an Installation palette into ashworld. It does not look to great.
ugh, yea someone just told me that on aim, are there links to the pallets (especialy instalation), I'll change the ones that look weird in photoshop to something nicer, or I'll take thouse out of the project =P.
if use photoshop then u coould apply to any pallete in a breeze
If you just add images, it would look like this: [attachmentid=17757]
I loaded an Ice group ("Ice") into Intallation.
This is only going to work if the people playing the map have the mod loaded, otherwise it should disc. everyone without the mod
@O)FaRTy1billion Yes I am going to do alot of work in photoshop to get them all to look right in the instalation pallete.
@-)HyDrO(-: wait so are you telling me that if I change all the tiles in the instalation pallate, load the game up with the mod, and then join a public game where someone is using the jungle tileset, sc will still disc?
also can someone tell me how to get these .pal files (I got all the sets for all the terrains) into photoshop? photoshop only takes aco files and I don't have a program that will save to .aco
No, it won't crash if you join a game using a normal tileset. What he's saying is that you can't make a multi-tileset map and then expect someone without the mod to be able to run it.
Or maybe it
would work, but they would just see black.
@DaMiNaToR: I doubt they would see black, it would be kinda wierd being able to scv rush themand they see their nexus sitting there not being able to do anything =P. And is your "game" in your sig...the guess a password game? it sends me to a log in thing with nothing else to do =P. And I clicked it by acciden't trying to get my scroll bar to come up =P
Can someone tell me how to get photoshop to use only the color palate that I load? I loaded it to a swatch, and deleted the old swatch, and figured it would automaitcly convert the image that comes up. or have it so when I edit the image it only lets me use those colors?
QUOTE(Syrreph @ Mar 10 2006, 04:36 AM)
Can someone tell me how to get photoshop to use only the color palate that I load? I loaded it to a swatch, and deleted the old swatch, and figured it would automaitcly convert the image that comes up. or have it so when I edit the image it only lets me use those colors?
all right~! i would gonna make tutorial sooner or later about pallete things and knowhow of Photoshops to make SC graphics
Ok so just to sum up what I am going to do, and I need to know a few more things before I get started.
1) Combining all tilesets (of caruse =P)
2) Adding some completly new terrain. Most terrains will have blends to most other terrains.
3) Stuff like ramps and bridges will actualy be like terrain so you can paint them as opposed to having to stretch them manualy by laying tiles
4) Some more doodads =P
5) Some terrain will have a square terrain option, so that you can draw striahgt vertical and horizontal lines and it won't look jagged.
Now here are some things that I wanted to do, but they require hex editing so they might happen, (I am willing to do some ASM or c++ programing to get some of this stuff done =P).
1) An overlay that stops air from passing. If I can't do that then a few terrain that Air can't pass, and a few that air and ground can't pass.
2) Multiple levels, Damniator said this is possible through some programing, so can anyone give more information on this?
3) Tunnels, again, I highly doubt this is possible even more than the no air terrain...
Also if anyone has any more ideas I will be happy to try at them. And if anyone is interested in helping me with this, They'd be welcome to, (Anyone wanting to make their own version of SCMDraft or Starforge maybe? Cause to be able to place this stuff without having to do sqaure by square I am going to need a new editor)
QUOTE(Nyzse @ Mar 10 2006, 02:57 PM)
Ok so just to sum up what I am going to do, and I need to know a few more things before I get started.
1) Combining all tilesets (of caruse =P)
There isnt enough pallete space for this.
2) Adding some completly new terrain. Most terrains will have blends to most other terrains.
if you mean like backwards ramps and stuff, that would own.
3) Stuff like ramps and bridges will actualy be like terrain so you can paint them as opposed to having to stretch them manualy by laying tiles
YOu would have to do some farked up things with Staredit to do this
4) Some more doodads =P
rather common.
5) Some terrain will have a square terrain option, so that you can draw striahgt vertical and horizontal lines and it won't look jagged.
Once again, you will have to do aa fcku load to staredit to have this work.
Now here are some things that I wanted to do, but they require hex editing so they might happen, (I am willing to do some ASM or c++ programing to get some of this stuff done =P).
Good luck seaching through 10+ megabytes of ASM
1) An overlay that stops air from passing. If I can't do that then a few terrain that Air can't pass, and a few that air and ground can't pass.
Look at the above. Plus, be ready to mod the way starcraft loads cv5's
2) Multiple levels, Damniator said this is possible through some programing, so can anyone give more information on this?
Same as above
3) Tunnels, again, I highly doubt this is possible even more than the no air terrain...
Also if anyone has any more ideas I will be happy to try at them. And if anyone is interested in helping me with this, They'd be welcome to, (Anyone wanting to make their own version of SCMDraft or Starforge maybe? Cause to be able to place this stuff without having to do sqaure by square I am going to need a new editor)
No chance this is going to happen.
There are 21000 pallete squares, how do I not have enough room to combine all tilesets? Also yes I am ready to do alot of ASM work, hopefully people have gone through some of it and archived where some things are, cause I'm really counting on that =P. and yes I realize I am going to have to do alot of work on staredit to do this, I am considering just making my own program, that is why I asked for people wanting to make their own staredit =P.
To get all the tilesets in the pallet, doodle has informed me that I will have to take out some of the doodads in some of the sets, I will be takeing out the least used ones, and add in some more in the groups that are used alot (like trees and bones and temple stuff =P).
Does anyone know a good way to do doodads in sprites, so that I don't have to use up tiles to place doodads, the problem there is that units can then walk under the doodads if I just place them. So I am going to have to get an unwalkable terrain under doodads if they are in sprites.
and is there a way to make p12 units unallied? so that you can do "creep" like things to gaurd some expansions and paths? Or beter yet would be to allow player 11 units to be placeable, so that when a player leaves the game all his stuff dosen't start attacking as soon as another player walks by (not much of a problem though, cause most games are 1v1).
As for the very high and very low...I think it would require more programming than almost anyone is ready to put into it. The 50% is probably hard-coded into the game's battle engine (or whatever it's called) and, if I recall correctly, the entire program is hashed. I'm not too sure about that last part, though. But, regardless, you'd need to mess around with the game's engine to an extraordinary degree. I personally wouldn't risk it...
Ok, if anyone has any more information on high ground/low ground stuff please let me know.
Also is it possible to make any type of dynamic terrain? like a wall on the side of a cliff, that if you attack it, it falls over and then blocks the path for 4 squares out? and any stuff like that? (Actualy, this would probobly be more possible as a unit, that you can place under player 12, that when it is attacked, it turns into a wider unit, and then blocks the path, and then you can have an IScript of it falling and stuff. (It would just look like rocks). Is this possible?
Also this woulden't work with my idea of having non-neutral player 12, becuase then they would automaticly attack the rocks, which could get anoying... So that brings me back to, can I make it so I can place player 11 units in melee?
Oh wait, I just remembered, maybe I can make it something like those floor missles, those are doodads, that have animations, and are killable, and then they change... and maybe I can also do the non-neutral attacking units with this?
yes those mentioned is possiblity i guess
but i think about 12 player thing is need more stuffs with hard-codes
So I could make doodads that change with the game?
Are there anything's I can do other than make them attack, and make them change when they are attacked?
Well you cant make doodads change when they are attacked (without making them units), but theres cool ways to make a doodad different in different tilesets, while only using one sprite/doodad.
@Doodle, yea cuase having doodads diferent in diferent tilesets is so useful when I'm combining all tilesets into one =P. Also then how do they do the floor trap things that shoot, those are doodads, and they change when they die.
Or maybe it would work, but they would just see black.
What I meant was, each tileset uses a pallet of tiles, right? Any square that doesn't have a specific tile pic in each pallet is black, right? So, maybe normal SC would use up the tileset you sutffed the rest into, then display any tiles that didn't fit into that tileset pallet as black for other players.
Yea, I knew what you meant, but I doubt it would becuase if you werent using the mod, and your opponent was, you would see all his units moveing over black tiles. And if you could do this someone would have already hacked the game and made all tiles into dirt, so whenever they played they always played on a map with a straight field, being able to build over what the opponent see's as water, and completly pwning in almsot every way.
Also does anyone know if adding extra AI scripts will make them disc from battle.net games if other people in the game don't have those AI scripts, even though the game woulden't run them unless a UMS map told them too. (I'm always working on a project that will basicly recreate a 1v1 computer game in UMS where the computer has good build orders, good tactics, and good micro), the mod is just going to be to add in all the AI scripts to build every building, and make every unit and stuff, so I can call that from triggers.
Oh, and what about mini map colors? I'm pretty sure those are connected to the tileset's not the individual colors, but I could be wrong, anyone know anything about how these are done?
Extra AI scripts can be written in AiEdit, which you can find in the DLDB.
The floor traps are actually units, and what they "turn into" when they die is really the tiles below them.