Try CHMODing the uploads directory (and everything in it) to 777. They should have been in that way in first place. If not, you're screwed Moose. Screwed for life. Shut down the site and shoot your parents.
You should have put a question mark, i acualy thought you didn't know. See i'm unable to post pics of any sort. Usually they work but recently it started to act weird. I know JPG is compatable.

Image loading is down for avatars and possiblly sigs. But, they seem fine (if you host from an exterior site of course).
I wonder why so many problems occur in sen. Is it because you are uploading so many new things? Or could it just be user error that happened to pass? Or maybe it is just everyday wear and tear that brings sen to it's knees. Who knows.
That was pretty mean Rexy. It had nothing to do with Moose, it was an issue on our server dealing with the /tmp parition and an internal switch on our base path.
Something that I've noticed is that when you use an external avatar, it is displayed inmediately. When you actually upload an avatar from your computer into the server, it usually takes about 2~3 hours for it to display.
When you use an external avatar, you are constantly changing the link to the image, which makes your browser automatically download a new one.
When you use an internal avatar, your browser sees the file as the same as something it already download and keeps using the old one in it's cache.
Browser caching speeds up site browsing considerably and, in effeect, saves bandwidth... I turn it off though because I sometimes constantly change images on SEN.