Would anyone happen to know what happened to the Sen V.5 Forum? Is it not gonna be made or can only staff go into there???
Moose said that it was removed and all feedback is in the official beta forum.
So good luck finding it
It went to college and got a lot of friends. Now it doesn't call on lonely nights, what a jerk.
It's still in the works, and the fourm is still here too but only given to certain members. I don't know which ones though. And this was asked a few weeks ago. It's still being made, that's why all the mods use it as an excuse "Wait till V5 comes out"
I thought the v5 Beta forum was open to everyone regular and up.
That's what I thought too, until I lost privilages to it.
I assumed it wasn't supposed to be public, simply because there was a special permission mask for it. So I set it to be used.
So who has permission to it? Elites and up?
O ic so do you have an estimated releace date of Sen v.5?
6 years.
Haha, just kidding. I took away two digits. =]
I don't see what's wrong with sen.4
It's open to the beta testers that signed up on the beta sign up place.
Topic Locked
Uh... it has been opened to every member for the last 2+ months.
The special permission mask is outdated. I never actually cared who saw senv5 beta after we posted screenshots for it. Yoshi, for some reason, was anal about it though.