As someone who likes to go through the Welcome forum to see all the new members of SEN and possably greet them, I would like to complain about all the flaming and "OMG ___ IS KELLIMUS!!!11oneone OMG BANHIM!!11".
Please for the love of god SHUT UP ABOUT KELLIMUS. Just because the person may act a little strange or be a little "moody" does not instantly mean that it is Kellimus. It is annoying to have to read 2 pages of arguing about "omg it is kellimus!", and I am sure that anyone else reading the topics and especially the person who made the topic does not want to read that. All you are doing is scaring off the new members, or people who want to join. What kind of person would want to join a forum where they are instantly greeted with "OMG BAN HIM! IT IS KELLIMUS!"? I know I wouldn't.
I am not trying to be a little biznatch, it is just this has gotten way out of hand.
Report it. My inbox is empty and nobody ever bothers to read Welcome. We invented the report button for a reason.
Topic Locked
I was not exactly talking about a specific few posts.. but a common occurance.
But meh, whatever you say.
Report each occurrence. It might stop sooner that way. Whatever, we're all sick of it.