Can we please gather all the evidence together and get whatever ISP letters are needed to stop the influx of accounts of Kellimus and nuclearrabbit? I'm just getting sick of it.
Ya, this New (Clear) Rabbit just screams double account. Not to mention Zombie is getting quite worked up in the
topic.I just want all the evidence on a table in ziploc bags and a few bans of the kind that cannot be altered or repealed.
Well, something appraoching that would be nice. I have been told that this bunny account is TBB, and that they only created this account because they thought they had been banned along with Kellimus' EternallyCursed account (they were using the same proxy).
I imagine that Kellimus' old IP can be found somewhere on the site, and it would just take a whois command to find out his ISP from it.
The following accounts have been confirmed as Kellimus:
Zordon, EternallyCursed
Proxys are a problem and we can't just ban the ISP simply because multiple users may have the same ISP.
It's a long proccess to contact the ISP and do some sort of "special IP ban" that would be implemented.
What did nuclearrabbit do?
Read the High Templar Forum, Doodan made a thread saying that nuclearabbit plans to return. CpatainWill also has some nice comments about NR and Kellimus using multiple accounts.
Explain the situation to me please.
Doodan has been speaking to Nuclearrabit, or at least, with the account, via MSN for about a month or so. NR says that she will return around Easter, to make some complaints about double accounts and such.
CaptainWill has been speaking with Kellimus, or a close contact to him, which has confirmed that Kellimus has had multiple accounts. (Read CaptainWill's post in this very thread)
The Kellimus Story:
1. Kellimus was banned for being disruptive/constant flaming and reporting of every other post.
2. Kellimus doesn't like being banned and develops a kind of obsession with SEN.
3. He is told that he will be unbanned after a set period of time, but creates a second account called 'Zordon' while he is banned.
4. 'Zordon' causes havoc in the forums, just like Kellimus himself did - flame wars and reports increase by about 200%. Zordon gets 100% warn within 2 weeks.
5. Kellimus, after complaining, is unbanned and creates a welcome thread which rapidly devolves into a flame war. He is permanently banned when it is found out that he was Zordon.
6. Kellimus returns with this 'gangsta' account called 'EternallyCursed.' He acts like an idiot (again!) and gets his proxy banned.
The Nuclearrabbit/TBB Story:
1. Nuclearrabbit makes a convincing thread in which it is claimed that he has died.
2. SEN pays its tributes/respects, not knowing that NR is planning to come back at Easter.
3. It is suspected that NR comes back with the account 'Teh_Bun_Bun,' to keep an eye on the forums.
4. It is found out that TBB and EternallyCursed use the same IP to access SEN. Two people using the same proxy wouldn't be unheard of but it seems to be a bit too much of a coincidence.
5. The IP is traced back to a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona, where Kellimus lives.
6. The IP gets banned because of EternallyCursed's moronic posting.
7. TBB/NR makes another account because he thinks that he's been banned, when in fact it's just his proxy.
I think that's about it for now. I'm getting fed up with it.
Go out and find every flame and objectionable post that Kellimus made. I'll record the posts and IP addresses and seal it all up in a nice package to his ISP.
The only problem that is that we deleted his accounts. It'd take ages to search through the guest posts unless you have some special way of doing it...
That's the problem. We really need an improved moderation system.
EDIT: Apparently Kellimus is allowed here now.
I am strongly opposed to that, and I see no reason for it. Kellimus was given more than a fair chance by Moose with the one month suspension, and he has continually abused the leniency toward him and further lied about it. Here now we have conclusive proof of chronic double accounting and about the most henious crimes SEN has seen it its getting-on-3-years.
I start to agree with the people that have been long purporting we lost our interest in putting our foot down sine Yoshi left. We need to take a stand for the SEN rules here, and stop letting them be trodden on like dirt. Something needs to be done.
Instead of bundling all of his posts, I think it is more important to provide proof of his continued abuses after being banned formally, as this is what violated the terms of most Internet Service Providers. When Googling "Kellimus", I inadvertently came across is MySpace, if any information can be lifted off it for cross-referencing.
I would hate to invade on his personal life, but if we keep it quiet, it could prove useful.
Some steps must be taken before the SEN rules utterly fall.
Also, in lieu of anything else, Google can be useful. I've always hated deleting accounts. It's rather stupid because it "unregisters" them, but not entirely. Plus, like the problem described above, that data is no longer searchable due to the lack of a member ID. So to Moose, please stop deleting accounts. In SENv5, it will be impossible to do so... just perminant bans (sent to the void, ftw).
As far as the whole Kellimus situation, I may have been out of place to delete the IP ranges (due to not being around)... but the sheer amount of banned ip address for one person was pretty sad. If Kellimus doesn't cause any problems from this point forward, then I skipped a bunch of work, made a bunch of people happy, and seemingly only pissed off Merrell.
You can continue to build your "case" against him, if in the case he still hasn't changed. Contacting his ISP would be been the smart thing to do... months ago. At this point, I think Merrell is a bigger problem than Kell.
I think the biggest problem is that letting Kellimus back will show a face of weakness in our punishments and will encourage nuclearrabbit (if s/he is a separate enitity) to wreak more havoc. Merrell, at least, is still at a stage where a warn and some talking to should set him straight.
About the bans, we should just have a member group for banned users, it's good for the members at large to see who is banned from posts and easier for me to tell without looking for infinite suspensions in warn logs.
Oh, now I remember and you're active, I lost the password to my email when I reformatted my hard drive, and I think it was whatever the default was. Could you PM it to me?
What was the story with Sylence again? I somewhat forgot the extent of his rampage on the DLDB.
Did he delete shiz out of the DLDB?
No, he just posted a couple topics consisting of roughly fifty pages of "BAN ME BAN ME". He was fired immediately and suspended. He isn't even suspended anymore. Maybe he did something in the DLDB, I've never checked or heard about it.
He added everyone to the DLDB banlist.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Mar 22 2006, 08:17 PM)
He added everyone to the DLDB banlist.
Wow, that must have taken a bit of skill.
I just thought he went on a flame posting spree.
It's not that hard to ban everyone from the DLDB, a simple program could be created to do it very fast. Manually all you have to do is type a number and hit enter.
EDIT: I can ban member #0 and in the negatives. I also think that I can ban member #10000 and when that member registers, he might be banned, talk about crappy PHP.
Yeah, but you have to realize you're talking about people who coded for ratings with no restrictions just by editing the link.
Uh? I coded the ban code... most of the DLDB is crap though. Yoshi added a bit of crap to the code as well.
Anyone know the story behind Gorotsuki / Durk-A-Dur... and why he's banned?
Maybe its time to just clear the ban list. This way every new ban can have the "comment/reason" field filled with who they are and what they did.
So no one knows?
It would also be nice to know who's name is behind every IP address