I figured, Sense nr closed the sen bar I’d open a new one
. You all know the rules. Let get moving... Or not.
* = Means a action
" = Means your talking
btw:Senv2 cant be destroyed.
*Zombie opens the sen barv2 to the public. "Go crazy"
*Caboose roffles around.
"Apple Juice please."
*Zombie gives caboose a orange juice instead
"Enjoy, That will be 900$ please."
*Caboose digs in pocket for money and only finds $899."Spot me a dollar?"
*Zombie reaches down and grabs a shotgun
*Caboose slowly walks back with his orange juice.
"Alright. Alright, chill man."
*Caboose throws his OJ at Zombie and runs away.
*HorroR applies for security guard
"You fiend!"
*HorroR takes out an M4A1 and shoots at Caboose
*Caboose bought kevlar and a helmet and is saved.
*Caboose punches HorroR in the face and runs away and out of the bar.
*HorroR regenerates
"Get the guard dogs out.."
*HorroR releases the guard dogs that were randomly spawned
"Kill Caboose"
*Centreri Blows up the SEN bar and all those in it* "Problem Solved"
"Good thing that wasn't SeN Bar v2...now disaster-proof
*HorroR sends more dogs to chase Caboose *Walks in
"What happened here!?!?!"
*Caboose punchs all the dogs in the throat and fades away.
(Echoing)"Bye, for now, HorroR"
"You'll be back. I'll be ready"
*HorroR puts up a new sign -No Cabooses Allowed-
"Did i miss something? =O"
*Zombie fires horror "No security guards are allowed!
"put a sign up -No Horror's allowed"
*HorroR shoots off the sign
"Fine. I'll just..be that guy who kills people with an assault rifle"
*HorroR reloads
*Zombie puts god mode on
"Everyone has forgotten me!"
*Centreri takes out a minigun and shoots everyone except himself because he likes himself and he did not want himself to die or get hurt in any way so he didn't shoot himself and instead shot everyone else but he didn't shoot himself.*
"It's KrAzY, not crazy."* *HorroR dodges and summons a cloning machine "Get in Zombie"
*HorroR pushes Zombie into the cloning machine "An instant Zombie army
*Zombie blows up the zombie army
"You just killed yourself." "stupid doo doo head!!!"
*Removes pants*
I feel just at home
[center]*Reopens the old bar*[/center]