QUOTE(dayudie @ Mar 22 2006, 06:10 PM)
Regarding my last post i have found a glitch in LoTr - HeRo WaRs
were u can make a marine invinsible.
and i found a glitch in LoTr HeRo sEiGe EviL wer u can build up a bunch of monsters and sit from distance with a gol and kill them all.(it also trappes legolus and gimli.)
so no it is not selfish it is of my own personal intrest to try and fix thse isues.
Black, white, I'd like to introduce you to gray.
It's just that here, people don't like discussing/even having anything to do with "gray area" issues (meaning, unclear whether it's wrong or right, or could have various connotations, such as your case). So, they just ban them. As the previous post said, you can notify the map creator and he might fix the issues you found with the map.
You could also try to PM me (with the map) and we'll talk there.