I guess its time to add some more pranks, since the list isn't very big yet
=-Pranks that make people furious-=
sub-category = pranks for late sleepers
1. shave off their left eyebrow
2. cut off their eyelashes (don't try, they might kill you
3. shave their head bold
4. smear glue all over their face (preferably regular glue, they have to peal it off for days!
5. super glue a band-aid over their mouth
6. poor some water down their nose
7. mark on their nose with a marker/toe-nail polish/whatever you can find
8. glue a earing on one of their ears
I guess I wore that subcategory out...time for plain old make em furious pranks
1. put bologna all over their car
2. put duck tape all over their front door
3. turn down the contrast on your TV so everythings green then insist you like it better that way
4. play with their pet all day and start saying its yours
5. throw 20 frisbees (or more) on top of their roof
6. poor cool-aid all over their fence (darker colors work better, more annoying)