[center][sub][sub][sub][sup][sup][sup]^Wow, a strategy guide for Rock Paper Scissors?[/center][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sup][/sup][/sup]
This is a rock, paper, and scissors competition.
- Sign up for a 20 mineral fee, which is added on to the 350 mineral pot I am offering already. You have to be active. I might increase my pot by 50s if the quality of the competition looks good, and I most likely will increase it.
- I will have a list of players in order from sign up, 1-20.
Rules of RPS: Rock SMASHES scissors, scissors CUT paper, paper COVERS rock [Cover is a weird attack, never got that one before, but that's how it goes!]
- After we get 20 players, I will shuffle the list [with a program], and I will have a list of 10 battles. All 20 players, after seeing their opponent, will paste who they are fighting [Don't try to change the person, I will check], and Paper, Rock, or Scissors. I will wait for the opponent to PM me too, and then will constantly edit my post to display the winners. A tie will result in both players being replied by me, telling them the result was a tie.
The second round will consist of 10 people, 5 fights. Third will be 5 people, so; All 5 people pm me their answers. There will be at least two two-way ties, and those who tied will fight. Example; 3 guess rock, two guess scissors, the three rock move on and fight in a 3-way, if it's a three-way paradox (one of each) or tie, then a redo is issued. After one is knocked out, the final two battle it out in the best out of three.
I will not cheat. Users can confirm their guesses.
Have fun, sign up, once again fee is 20 minerals to me, all 20 will be added to pot.
Players: (In sign up order)
1. Krazy
2. Chronophobia
3. Syphon
4. Kaboomhahahein
5. Deathawk
6. Centreri
7. Doodle77(MM)
8. Valug
9. HorroR
10. Shadow-Killa_04
11. TH-Kabam
12. urmom
13. donwano
14. Shady.Aftermath
15. Darktossgen(MM)
16. AOB)Moo)s(
17. marxel
18. Demaris
19. DeadlyInnocence
20. AK47
I might be a little unorganized, so if you have any questions, just ask
Oh yeah, almost forgot
PRIZES!POT IS UP TO 2000 minerals, so sign up now!
1st place= 80% of pot
2nd = 15%
3rd = 5%