I did everything this guy says:
you have to save release as ojan.mgd and ojan.exe make a copy of patch_rt.mpq and get ojan.mgd in it under the extention "custom\" rename it to mgpatch.mgd and run the ojan.exe...if you did that i don't know what loading problem is then... and no memgraft doesn't have to be in sc directory but the files such as the copy of the patch_rt the mgpatch.mgd and the mgpatch.exe they do have to be in the sc directory
but when i click on ojan.exe, my computer thinks for a second, then nothing happened, I DID EXACTLY THIS GUY SAID.
If anyone can help me with the real solustion, I will call that guy my grandfather...
Rename the patch_rt.mpq to Ojan.mpq, that's the only thing i can think of you missed because you didn't mention it
lol and i think that guy was me lol
just checked yeah it was me i also said that you had to change the path of the Patch_rt.mpq in memgraft say...your copy of the mpq its named ojan.mpq so you will have to change in the custom tab (in memgraft) the Patch_rt.mpq to ojan.mpq
Heres a common mistake people make that you may have also made,
if you add any new commands to a unit, edit their number of commands in the units tab
TF> Yeah, but that would cause the game to not behave as intended or crash, it shouldn't cause MemGraft to not be able to start SC.
Hackerdk> What version of StarCraft do you use? What version of MemGraft do you use?
memgraft:something i don't know but when i open it it says support starcraft1.12b
i really spent time on this version thing, but it still doesn't work
Make sure that you have StarCraft in the directory that it was installed in
Startmenu -> Run -> Type in "regedit" without the "
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Blizzard Entertainment -> StarCraft and see what the strings there say. Make sure that the InstallPath is the one where your StarCraft dir is. Otherwhise, you can just change it.
the only thing i can think now its that if you have 1.12b memgraft you have to have 1.12b sc if you have 1.13e memgraft u have to have 1.13e sc. and it keeps going and going remember you can't have 1.13e memgraft and 1.12b sc and since you already made the mempatch you have to either downgrade or upgrade sc to your memgraft patch version if that's not the problem and if you did exactly what i posted up there in second post then i don't know what it is, you can always try to reinstall starcraft or memgraft and do everything again
nope, it's not any of the problem above, i tried everything... I believe that there is at least one genius in this site that can solve my problem