Contact the people who banned you over SEN's pm message. Spamming about it in the shoutbox with poor grammar and swearing won't do you any good, it'll just get you banned (like it did). If you don't know who banned you, make a PROPER topic in the website feedback + bugs forum.
legacy(u) banned my bro and i dont know who banned me on d2.
was just rly pissed off about beign banend and then i go on d2 and talk to em and the just stright up ban me i wasent spamming or yelling while on d2
I don't know the story or manage Op SEN. I told him to contact the people who banned him and he seemingly forwarded the message to me; I'm not sure about you guys.
He was ranting about it in the shoutbox, which got him banned from it. His presence on Op SEN is up to you.