This is only a question.
What is this "Forbidden" user group I have heard of? If you notice, in Nuke's signature it says: I'd love to post, but I'm "dead".
So what is up with this? IP allowed him to come back because he believes in second chances (Another reason I, and a couple of other banned members are back). I will quote him:
I'm all about forgiveness and second chances... (countless times I've undid yoshi's or moose's punishments). But if you continue to be a moron, I can't save you.
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IsolatedPurity Laying it downSo obviously, IP did not do this. So may I ask the question of who did, and why? Why does SeN need a "Forbidden" user group? If you are going to forbid them from SeN, why don't you just IP ban them?
Is it to hide the evidence from the other Admin? To make it seem to them like no one is getting banned, but in fact they are being "Forbidden" to post SeN??
I do not believe that Nuke deserves this. This is why:
If you wish to exist on SEN, I'd rather you use your real account instead of an alter. So if you wish to use your real name, go ahead. You won't be banned as long as you don't cause problems.
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IsolatedPurity laying it down.Obviously, IP has basically said that if you come back and follow the rules (Which both of us has done) than nothing will happen to us. But what is up with this?
Sneaux - 12 years says:
"The error returned was:
You do not have permission to view this board"
Sneaux - 12 years says:
All links lead to the same page.
If IP has allowed us to return, why does he get this error, and have that in his signature? IP had no problem with him being here, so I am going to point fingers at the only other Admin.
Now I ask you. If he has complied with the rules that IP has given, why does he deserve this?
Is it because you have something against him? If so, that isn't exactly a good way to go about things.. "Forbiding" someone to view the site because they lied to people, when everyone on here lies to people..
So all I am asking is for answers. Why Nuclearrabbit, who is one of the last remaining old members of SeN is "Forbidden" to view the site when IP (Who pays for SeN) has said he may return.