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Staredit Network -> SCMDraft -> Suggested Features For SCMDraft
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kookster on 2006-03-30 at 20:02:26
Ok I was just thinking of things that other editors or programs can do that SCMDraft cant and would LOVE if SCMDraft could do to since I think it is a better Editor than the rest, but thats just my opinion. So basicly this forum is for ideas of things that people would like to see SCMDraft be able to do, these are the things I thought of:

- moving locations out of the map area
- EUD conditions (when they are fixed)
- If EUD are included, a automatic calculator and "Translator" for it
- Extended Hyper Units, you know unit 2008 and on
- Allowing extended units in the triggers when typing in text (in relation with EUD and extended/hyper units)
- Giving the copy/paste the option to stick to the grid for units
- A Classic Mission Briefing editor, you have the text based one, but a non text based one would be useful too

Thats All I can think of for now, but Please feel free to talk about Features you would like or the ones that I have mentioned.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Exploit on 2006-03-30 at 21:48:12
-Customizable Folder Layout Options (If-Possible) eat.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-03-30 at 22:04:02
Its not like you can just cut and paste other programs C++ and just put them into SCDM... You can't even create extended hyper units in any staredit program.

And just for the heck of it: Could they make mix in SCPM into SCMD?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2006-03-31 at 02:16:04
Actually they could by adding it as a plugin.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kookster on 2006-03-31 at 02:23:17
I knew I liked you for some reason Kept Wheat, hes right you know A of s t
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-03-31 at 16:49:24
QUOTE(kookster @ Mar 30 2006, 08:02 PM)
Ok I was just thinking of things that other editors or programs can do that SCMDraft cant and would LOVE if SCMDraft could do to since I think it is a better Editor than the rest, but thats just my opinion. So basicly this forum is for ideas of things that people would like to see SCMDraft be able to do, these are the things I thought of:
- moving locations out of the map area
- EUD conditions (when they are fixed)
- If EUD are included, a automatic calculator and "Translator" for it
- Extended Hyper Units, you know unit 2008 and on
- Allowing extended units in the triggers when typing in text (in relation with EUD  and extended/hyper units)
- Giving the copy/paste the option to stick to the grid for units
- A Classic Mission Briefing editor, you have the text based one, but a non text   based one would be useful too
Thats All I can think of for now, but Please feel free to talk about Features you would like or the ones that I have mentioned.

What's the point of the location thing?

SI doesn't want to implement EUD triggers (conditions) at all since they change with every patch and it's a nuisance keeping up with all the changes Blizzard makes. He also has something against the extended units, I'm not sure what though.

The unit copy/paste align to grid feature has been discussed: the problem is figuring out which unit to center.

The Classic Mission Briefing plugin is being worked on. It's just that judging by the lack of releases/responses, SI and DW are most likely too busy (or lazy, but much less likely) to finish anything now.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by A_of_s_t on 2006-03-31 at 18:28:19
I know they can be plugins, but it still isnt as easy as copy/paste...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by uberfoop on 2006-04-01 at 10:39:10
QUOTE(A_of_s_t @ Mar 30 2006, 09:03 PM)
Its not like you can just cut and paste other programs C++ and just put them into SCDM...  You can't even create extended hyper units in any staredit program. 

And just for the heck of it:  Could they make mix in SCPM into SCMD?

he said eg unit ID 2008 and on, so yeah, there is starforge, where you can just place a unit, select it, hit enter, and change its ID number to the extended unit...
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