It's probably better to start a new topic or post a new reply about additional questions, since people might miss them otherwise.
3) (added this after post) How do you change what buildings units come out of, like in SC Field command? Is that MemGraft??
4) (added this after post) What is a .pcx file? Is that a template, like all the decorations around the command interface for terran, protoss, zerg?
5) (added this after post) What is a .cwad file? Is it the things that control stuff like who is shown in the campaign select screen (like artanis, a marine, kerry, stukov, a zealot, etc.)?
3) Yes, that is MemGraft. A tutorial for how to train a Civilian from Supply Depots is available
here. It's for version 1.12b, but if you mod 1.13e, it will be the same procedure. There is no tool for 1.13f yet, for that you will have to wait for FireGraft to get finished.
4) .pcx-files are images (Zsoft Paintbrush), like .jpg's, but in another format (yes, there's technical differences, but I'm not going into those
). They are used for things like the title-screen, backgrounds before you have started a game, panels etc. An image viewer is available for free here, that should be able to convert from and to .pcx's: 5) .cwad-files are basically the same as .mpq's. They were used by Camelot Systems old tool StarDraft as an archive. You would put your modded files into a .cwad archive with StarDraft and then load it into the game, just like you do with .mpq's today. The reason they didn't use .mpq's were most likely because no one had figured out how to make their own .mpqs at that time, only how to read them. It's got nothing whatsoever to do with what you suggested
. Those images are .smk which you can mod using the
Old Smacker tools (Make sure it's the old ones - the new won't work).