Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Melee Production & Showcase -> (2)Where Roads Cross
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-04-07 at 16:30:02
Players: 2
Tileset: Badlands
Size: 128x128

I am ready to modify this to make it better, this is only an early version. Better ones will be posted as they are done.

Screenshot: Here
Sorry that it's cut off at the bottom, the program I'm using to convert it crashes just at the end (not sure why).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Falcon_A on 2006-04-07 at 17:27:39
I can pretty much see the design from the top half, it's ok that it got cut off. Do you use SCM==>Jpeg?

Good program in our DLDB if you don't have it

You just get better and better! My only real "problem" with it, is that the one expansion that only has 3 mineral fields and a gas should have more minerals, like, 6 fields(in my opinion of course)

Your decoration skills have even improved a bit, and the mineral only expansion is sorta a choke, and I like the overall design.

GJ. I'd change those 3 mineral field expansions, and that's about it.

The expansion right by your base sorta favors T who can expand early and get a quick second supply of cash to start mass producing fac units, or Z who can REALLY fast exp and protect it by choking the area past the ramp a bit with some sunkens (I think), and protect a second exp quickly.

That expansion design is sorta like in trcc's Conquer Fever, and it's sorta unorthodox for most melee maps that go "8-8-6" for main, nat, 2nd nat or like "8-7-7" and it's at a choke. I'd like to see what some other people say about this, but I think it's your best map so far and pretty good.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-04-08 at 07:17:37
Thx! smile.gif

And yes, I do use SCM>JPEG, but I think theres something wrong with it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Valug on 2006-04-09 at 12:23:36
[sub]Heres the whole picture, im not sure how you always get your maps corrupted.
user posted image

Its too open, you need a choke at the main otherwise toss cannot defend agaist lings, because lings can easily run around zlots. Also, the rest of the map is very open and boring. The expansions seem randomly placed. Blues mineral line is set up so that red has an advantage ( See how one of blues minerals in behind, making it ahrder to mine? )

Another thing is, the middle how it is now really favors terran, they can place tanks there and easily secure half the map, and when you give terran 4 free expos, it starts getting out of hand.

My suggestions, is open up the middle, make it a bit bigger and maybe use some extended bridges to make it more open. Also, expand the rivers down to the mains, and make a choke. Remove the high terrian behind blues base or add the same thing to red. Also, decorate better and put more varity into the map. Random streets and dirt is not very appealing.[/sub]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-04-09 at 14:43:40
I'm working on the middle now... These extended bridges are giving me a headache. (I'm terrible at extended terrain.)

And this is the first time my screenshot has been messed up...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Falcon_A on 2006-04-10 at 10:34:42
i think he meant most meleers on this site in general.

I must say, I assumed the bottom of the map was -relatively- mirrored...

Bottom base can put tanks or cannons or some sort of D on his closest exp, while top bases is more behind his base. Bottom covers his "choke".

Blue has highground behind his base in a pretty much random location. I just noticed now that you put dark mud on one side and lighter grass on the other. I like the contrast, but you should do more of that, more varying decoration. I'd like to see your next map!

prince shabalabbadingdong!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-04-10 at 14:41:45
On the new version the top high ground area has been extended and blue's behind high ground is replaced by water (it makes more sence than it sounds) I'm still working on the middle, however. I can't seem to make it right.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Falcon_A on 2006-04-10 at 15:56:31
I'm still working on the middle, however. I can't seem to make it right.

What do you mean? having trouble with the extended bridges? or making it even?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-04-10 at 16:49:25
Sort of both. I can't find the tile for beside the bridge (if I try to use isometric terrain it messes the bridge up) and I'm not sure what to put in the middle.
My ideas: A) A new expansion or B)Leave the structure

ADD: And by the way, Badlands doesn't have very much varying terrain. Dirt, Mud, Grass, Rocky ground and Asphalt.
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