Basicly what the title says.
How do I change what the mouse looks like and how do I change the mouse when it hovers over a link?
Is it possable to make your own?
If yes,
How? Can I use mspaint or do I have to use a special program?
I'm really new at this type of stuff so plz tell me!
Cursor XP!
START -> Control Panel -> Mouse icon thing XD -> Pointers
Although, the selection of them really sucks. I just use Cursor XP and download whatever matches my wallpaper at can get a trial version of Cursor XP from I think.
Or you can pirate it
I dont believe custom ones work for Firefox, but you can use cursor: crosshair and some others in firefox.
Yes i mean for my website!
and I also mean Custom made, like SEN's is like the Starcraft mouse!
I want mine to be like a like an airplane target.
-- --
W/o the "."
The feature is outdated and no longer supported by Firefox. The language it belongs to is CSS1, that's why if you use Firefox, you don't see the SeN cursor, but in IE you see it.