» Remember to save the php.ini file and restart Apache.
I've restarted Apache several times and checked the php.ini file over and over.
» In the php.ini file, check the extension_dir line and make sure that's correct.
I've already thought of that, and it is correct.
» Try renaming the file to a *.png and running that.
I'm getting the errors thing with the PHP source in View Source.
» Also check to make sure your extension directory and directive are pointing to the DLL
As I've said, they are.
» Use a snapshot build and do the same thing.
:: Edit
Snapshot isn't working either.
:: Edit 2
Here is a better example because I am trying to write text to a .PNG file (this is also my current code):
$Filename = "File.png";
$IMG = @imagecreatefrompng( $Filename ) or die( "Cannot open image" );
$BGColor = imagecolorallocate( $IMG, 0, 0, 0 );
$FGColor = imagecolorallocate( $IMG, 255, 255, 255 );
imagestring( $IMG, 4, 5, 5, "Bla", $FGColor );
imagepng( $IMG, $Filename );
imagedestroy( $IMG );
I threw in some echoes and it is still stopping with @imagecreatefrompng.