Hey all... Im new.
About me: Play starcraft online or L.A.N. games with freinds usually 5 times a week. Make farily decent maps once in a while.
Decent Maps I've made:
Lava World D: 67% Done: Kind of like tarpit, except you build buildings & make units for a defence, and you are allowed 3 chances before you lose.
Map X: Done: Set on the twilight 96x96, there is a big X made out of the structure terrain, with the 4 players in close proximity to eachother. Makes for a fun match.
Money map small: Done: Just like the popular 'Fastest possible map' but smaller 96x96, set on Desert, Jungle, and Ice tilesets.
I use Starforge mostly, along with ScmDraft, Starfire edit, and the original StarEdit.
Thanks to the creators of all those.
Im going to attach a zip file with my good maps in it when I get home... At school now :\