I know im going to get:
Made fun of
And various other types of actions to try and make me feel bad for others own security for what im about to say.
I had a 3 year online relationship on SC. I am neither ashamed nor do i regret it.
Say what you want on that, because i just dont care.
Friendship? Or emotional relationship?
I can perfectly understand both.
Anyway, the best thing to happen to me on starcraft was back the first time I joined clan )aS(, I was like the n00best meleer there. When I went back like a year later or a few months later or so...one of the people I used to look up to as a great player, I was finally able to show him that I was finally a bit better. He tried 'training me' a while ago, but I was sorta too stupid to really take what he told me to use. But I found a lot of it out on my own.
Anyway, we were 1-1-1 for the day. I won a PvT, he won a TvT, and he was dropped from the game on a PvP. We both played random.
He was surprised that I was respectable now, and I was glad I was, and determined to get better. Most of the good players there left, and now it's basically a clan for other games and money maps/ums now.
But it was good.
What made me join this site was when I started making melee maps and I think I found a link to this on like sc legacy or something, and started submitting a couple n00b things i did to the database and felt good that like 19 people DLed 'em...;P