These 2 maps (Z3 and Z3a) are a before-and-after picture of something I'm trying to do.
In Z3, it's a 192x128 map, but I realized I need to go 256 wide. When I resized the map, the extra width was added to the right side. I want it added to the LEFT side. I tried "copy/cut/paste"ing everything from left to right, leaving me with the desired space on the right. Here's the problem. Whenever I want to edit the terrain, it goes all screwy (e.g. I place some Space and I get space but it's surrounded by high platform, and the terrain originally surrounding the area I placed space in was regular platform). How do I fix this?
I really don't want to remake the map from scratch.
EDIT: Tch, sorry for the extra topic. I posted this here a long time ago and got no replies. I tried posting a similar topic in generic mapmaking assistance and got a response within 5 minutes. Heh.