Noobs guide:
Double-click on
iceccUI.jarWait for it to load
When it loads, click on the units you want, they should be in the left column
next to the bottom text bar, you will find a button with the words "Browse" written on it.
Click the browse button.
When the next part comes up, go to anywhere, preferably onto your desktop or in the iceCC folder, type in iscript.txt, and click "open"
(i kno its crazy but dont farkin question it)
Next, click on "Decompile", (yes that big long word that you dont understand)
for the extra-noobish, go to google and type in: "Define: Decompile"
Now go to where you put the "iscript.txt" file, it should be in the location where you put it and i said preferably on your desktop or in the iceCC folder (if you
can remember) and open the "iscript.txt" file.
If iceCCUI.jar does not open, get the latest version of java at
http://java.comHere is a more direct link: that i have repeated what is written in the manual.
now i dont want to hear any more "ICECC DOESNT WORK!"