I haev been having lots of problem w/ my computer lately.
This is one of them:
I dunno if this is problem w/ mouse, but this has been happening after the scroller on my mouse broke.
This is wut happens:
After a while, everything but the current page I'm viewing freezes. As in
-The bar w/ Start on the bottom freezes. I can't click on it.
-I cna't click on desktop icons
-I can't click on other programs that are running.
When you nromally put ur mouse over stuff on the bottom blue bar w/ Start on it, the colors would change (go a lil lighter). And, in start, when u put ur mouse over it, the stuff would go blue. But, once this happens, colors don't change and i can't click any of it.
This is my only solution:
Open up taskmanager and then click the "X" TWICE! I dunno y twice, but it works. What is the problem, is it a virus? Please help!