flaming you kidding me. You know what he said in the warning. My grammer so to stupid for even his great grammer to skill to read. Im seriously it said that.
(Poor enough to hinder my excelent reading ability)
yep yes thats what he said even in the warning. And personally if your going to be a mod and warn a person atleast do with respect?
I can I can deal with some stuff but this i cant really deal with.
Well he did just pm me about it and said some what of a sorry becuase i pmed him about it, but is he going to re-give me thoes stuff or something?
Becuase personally I feel like i have been given unfair warning this past month... i got total of like 3 in just like a month. 1 of them I can agree, about the oversized sig. The other one posting "a" was to reserve space and i dont really see anywhere where you cant do that. And this warning makes me just mad.
» Topic Locked - Moose i didnt re-open it for someone i could just post...