No, i am not new to using a computer. I click save as, and no starcraft foldiers pop up. At the bottem it says: Brood war Scenario (*.scx)
Argh, even if i use starcraft campaign editor none of the starcraft foldiers pop up.
Ok, i tried what u said, i used the directory from my save file window, i went to my starcraft cd, and none of the starcraft map foldiers are there. Only IPS and Support foldiers r there, with non of the map foldiers in them.
YES! Ok, i got it to save. Hees what i did:
FIrst of all, i swiched my map to scmdraft becuse i couldn't find any clif or bridge doodads in the doodad window. But i relized that you had to scroll up in order to get it. So i fixed my map. (thankfully i saved one on my desktop and one in a starcraft file [the one on the desktop was better]) Now my map is done, but i still cant save maps i make with scmdraft on anything but the desktop. But, dose anyone want to try my new map on bnet? Or maby i can post it here?
ok, well, i got want i wanted out of this post (i got to save my map) but i will still come here every so often. I will be making a new post asking poeple what was the best map they made/played. I wills till like help on saveing my maps i make with scmdraft, but other then that, see ya!