Ok, heres what i would like to know,
the reason why i made this post is becuse i just fished/saved a map that is one of the 2 best maps i ever made. The best map i ever played was... well... i dont really know. But, i would like to see what you say the best map you ever made was and the best map you ever played was!
hmm... thats a tough one. raccoon city is my favorite survival game, DK3 is a damn good rpg, impossible snow is the king of imp. scene. but my favorite is gonna have to be one of the strategy maps. so it boils down to strategic warfare 8, it has got to be one of the most fun, balanced, and strategic games on Bnet.
Hrm, i never played any of those maps. they sound pretty good.
But the 2 best maps i MADE was:
1. Richland (2-3 players) Its a meele game on a REALLY good terrain layout. Its the best meele map i ever made.
2. Hide And Seek (use maps setting) WONDERFULL terrain layout, Smooth triggers, you need to run and hide from a person! (theres another hide and seek map oput there, but i made this map in jully, last year)
lol, you should try all of them, they're all quite good(except for some rigged Raccoon city versions).
the best map i made and released would be have to be my "Helms Deep New Best Version." modified quite a few of the units stats for balance purposes, reduced the cave size so good guys can't camp so easily, added in kill bonuses, the 'secret door' and a bunch of other goodies. nothing really advanced, but it was definitely the most balanced version out there - then some noobass steals my map and unbalances it again...
Ouch, that hurts. I know how you feal though. I made a REALLY good map,killers rpg, and sent it to one of my firends. my firend then sent it to a small place with
a lan connecdtion, a day later, my map was so messed up it you couldn't even tell what it used to be. Oh, that was the best map i EVER made....
Wow, ugly for you guys... its really crap that newbs "kill" our maps just for make them more stupid...
The map i LOVED the more is Brain Bread, i just played it for the 1st time, its SO funny, the zombies keep saying: Braaaiiiinnnnn.... Join ussss... Hungry... its funny caus the maker put his own voices and friends voices, voices that seems SO dumb! Like real zombies!
And my favorite map i created; the 1st i ever finished and last too...
: Kill binladen. Its a rpg really simple with unit switching anytime, and completely unbalanced units... but, its my baby! And, i was lucky, the unbalancing whas just enough for players to win in a really hard scenario!
Brain Bread was pretty damn good for the first 2 or 3 times, but then it'd got pretty boring(i used HT and protoss upgrades, so my zombie is stronger). I think if he diverified the zombies and terrain more, it'd be much more replayable. not to bash the map or anything, cause DEAD outdid himself with that one. although no one on uswest plays it anymore.
kill bin laden. never heard of that one, unless its the same as bomb bin laden, which i wouldn't exactly call an RPG. more like a rigged arena game
My favorites include "The Honourless" by PGConquerer (RPG), "The Shifters" by judascloud (campaign), "A&O Trailer" by Tuxedo Templar...
A map becomes a favorite of mine if I play it at least a few times and of my own free will rather than being peer pressured into playing by B.net users.
I also prefer story driven type maps.