Actually, my Internet went down - and the entire map got unusable when I got back from a vaccation.
Now, because I'm such a geek I wrote my own .CHK editor in VB6 (yes, stab me in the face) to look at what could be wrong on my map. I noticed something rather strange.
My TRIG (the section of a .CHK that holds triggers) were almost 2
megabytes big.
By a little research, I found out that one trigger is 2400 bytes long exactly, remember I had no Internet, so no references - talk about reinventing the wheel - anyway, so I had to learn more about triggers. After some time, I realized that there are 16 conditions, and 64 actions. No matter how many you actually use, they're always there, and then 32 bytes to declare for whom the trigger is ran.
To my surprise, the middle of my TRIG section was flooded with nothing-triggers, that is, all conditions were unused, and all actions unused, and it was ran for nobody.
I exported then exported the TRIG section, wrote another ad-hoc (one-use) application, made it read through an input file and write out a fixed file. I didn't have much hope, but I imported it back in for the heck of it.
And it worked! Slightly smaller, rather, 2 kB.
Oh and, since I got to know the .CHK and TRIG formats so well I easily fixed my error with another ad-hoc application.
It has learned me a lot really, I now understand how ISOM works, and the TILE section. I actually did some really strange things!
Pictures of strange outcomesIf you'd like to have my editor - which isn't all that bad really - for whatever reason, just give me a mail or something.
Thanks for you attention though!