Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> SCMDraft -> Can't get SCMDraft working...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KinG_JaKe on 2006-06-26 at 19:12:15
I dled SCMdraft 2 BETA v0.6.0 #1 from the dldb. When I open the file (it's on my desktop) and run it, the program goes to the select profile thing. So far so good.

Then i click on defalt, and click ok. A error comes up that says "error loading plugin" the only chose it to hit ok, so I do then it says "error loading trigedit plugin. scmdraft will now exit." And once again I can only click ok.

So to try and fix the problem on my own I dled classic trigedit from the dldb and that didn't help, so I got the beta ver of trigedit thinking that sense its the beta v of scmdraft it might need that. I have no clue what the problem is. Am I missing files or do I just not know how to operate crap?

Anyways I would like to have SCMDraft so plz HELP. helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

Is their a simple solution... am I just an Idiot? Did I get a bad ver of it?

P.S. I don't really need this for the map I'm makin right now but I want to see what I can do with it. helpsmilie.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by adam591 on 2006-06-26 at 21:56:19
What plugins are you using?

Try deleting all the plugins in your folder then run scmdraft
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-06-27 at 21:01:46
Did u keep scmd in the folder it came in?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Demon on 2006-06-27 at 21:27:22
Have you tried redling/installing it? I've found that to actually work at times.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KinG_JaKe on 2006-06-28 at 09:47:02
Yes it's in the same folder it came in. Should i extract the folder, or put it in a new folder?

I've dled it b4 and it did the same thing last time so I just deleted it and used starforge and xtra editor, but now I am on SEN alot more and I keep seeing cool terrain that people say they've done w/ SCMDraft. -.- So this time I dled it I just left it.

---is there a way to install it? I thought you just run it... helpsmilie.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-06-28 at 18:10:03
Keep it in the folder with all the plugins in it
Report, edit, etc...Posted by evolipel on 2006-06-30 at 23:39:51
QUOTE(KinG_JaKe @ Jun 26 2006, 06:11 PM)
I dled SCMdraft 2 BETA v0.6.0 #1 from the dldb. When I open the file (it's on my desktop) and run it, the program goes to the select profile thing. So far so good.

Then i click on defalt, and click ok. A error comes up that says "error loading plugin" the only chose it to hit ok, so I do then it says "error loading trigedit plugin. scmdraft will now exit." And once again I can only click ok.

So to try and fix the problem on my own I dled classic trigedit from the dldb and that didn't help, so I got the beta ver of trigedit thinking that sense its the beta v of scmdraft it might need that. I have no clue what the problem is. Am I missing files or do I just not know how to operate crap?

Anyways I would like to have SCMDraft so plz HELP. helpsmilie.gif  helpsmilie.gif  helpsmilie.gif

Is their a simple solution... am I just an Idiot?  Did I get a bad ver of it?
P.S. I don't really need this for the map I'm makin right now but I want to see what I can do with it. helpsmilie.gif

...and another one...

This problem was posted around 3240923149346739534906340 times. What I can't understand is why the hell people keep moving the executable around everywhere and expecting it to work. Although the dialog box should be more clear about why the hell the error is generated in the first place (i.e. give a suggestion, "It could be because the 'plugins' folder isn't present").

Yes there is a simple solution: extract SCMD2 from the zip completely and into one folder (and make sure the "plugins" folder is where "ScmDraft 2.exe" is).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sicarul on 2006-07-01 at 00:35:10
If you want to access it faster, make a shortcut from it's folder, right clicking it's executable and then Send to > Desktop(Shortcut).

If it was posted 3240923149346739534906340 times, someone make a sticky so it doesn't reach 3240923149346739534906341 times.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -bilal92- on 2006-07-04 at 16:52:07
lol, u got to extract all files from the folder then u open the folder that u extracted, if that doesnt work, i have no clue ,sry, but it should good luck biggrin.gif

o yea and dont use the trigger editor plugign it has a bug in it, just use classic triggedit, its much easier too
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KinG_JaKe on 2006-07-04 at 22:53:10
Thanks I got it workin now biggrin.gif
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