If you want to edit the portraits you have to download some old smacker video tools from here:
http://www.radgametools.com/smkdown.htm Here's a little tutorial.
You need:
WinMPQ, MPQdraft, smacker tool and Starcraft 1) Open WinMPQ and open StarDat.mpq in your StarCraft directory.
2) On the compressor near the top, write "*.smk" (without the " tags of course).
You will then see some files starting with "glue\*something*". These have to do with campagins and interfaces.
3) Scroll down until you see the files with portrait\tghost\*something more*. The "t" in front of ghost means it's terran were talking about, and ghost obviously means it's the ghost unit. Extract all files that starts with portrait\tghost to a folder you call "smacker test". (The name doesn't really matter).
If you havent installed smacker yet, do it now. 4) Go to your start menu and open "Bink and Smacker". You will see a screen where you can choose a file, and lot's and lot's of buttons underneath. Find the tghost files and press the top one. ("tghfid00.smk").
5) Select "Convert a file" and press "no" on the popup box that comes.
6) A big popup box now appears. Near the top, some buttons say browse and output type. Select output type and choose "bmp files". Press convert.
7) You will now have files named "tghfid000.bmp" - "tghfid009.bmp" or "tghfid100.bmp" - "tghfid109.bmp" Edit all of these images in paint by making a big black box ove the picture and drawing a smiley instead. (Note: This takes a long time. To shorten it down, mark the first smiley with a copy box, and press ctrl+C. In the next window, make a copy box again and press ctrl+V.)
8) When you have painted all the images, open Bink and Smacker again.
9) Choose the bmp's the first .smk file contained. Press "List Files" A popup box will appear. In the box, remove any file that doesn't end with ".bmp" and press close. save it as you want.
10) Select the list file you created, and press "smack it!". Now write the file name the old .smk file was named and press "smack" press yes to overwrite file.
11) Do this to all the files, then open WinMPQ. Press "New" and save it in your smacker test directory. Press "Add" and find the first .smk file. (tghfid00.smk). You will be prompted with a box. Type portait\tghost\ in it. Then add the rest of the .smk files you saved. When done, exit WinMPQ. (It autosaves.)
12) Open MPQdraft. Press "load MPQ patch" and choose StarCraft twice from the list, leaving the checkbox below checked. press "next". Browse for the MPQ you just created and press next twice after you find it. Starcraft will now start. Try building a ghost and see what happens wth the portrait. If it is changed, then I will have to congratulate you, if it's not, you didn't follow the instructions properly.