Time to announce some winners and dish out some prizes.
As a reminder,
June's Theme was
Super Powers.
Let's get that judging criteria out there again:
Theme (10) - Obviously this is the name of the game. If the map isn't even remotely related to the theme, it won't score very well. A map scoring 0 on this won't be graded further. Something that looks premade and just custom fit with a few text messages won't score very well.
Fun (25) - Important for me as I'm playing the map. Am I running around having a good time, or watching a unit talk to itself in a movie? If I ever go to this map again, is it going to be to play it with friends or to delete the scm/scx? This is probably going to be the deciding factor in contest entries.
Aesthetics and Professionalism (15) - Did you use one type of tile and no text color? Are there mispellings distracting me at every turn with some poorly made triggers? Hopefully you can create something that looks and feels decent. I'm not asking for extensive extended terrain or hundreds of sprites, a map with a unique feel to it should score at least an easy 10.
PowErenaV1.1.scx by
Oo.Xero.oOTHEME: 10/10
Powers galore in this giant fight.
FUN: 20/25
The game was very entertaining and bug free. I felt that the Wind power was a bit too strong and that caused imbalance. Also, wave kind of sucks if you're a player that spawns on the right. Still, a great map that with some balance adjustment would be great to play regularly.
I can't find anything to complain about here. This map was very well made as well as entertaining.
45/50 -
First Place! 600 mineralshttp://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=5583Teleport Dodge 1.42.scx by
MillenniumArmyTHEME: 8/10
Only one power which doesn't go out of the way to indicate how super it is.
FUN: 21/25
The map gets repetitive after awhile, but it is some good fun. Some rounds are too hard, others are too easy. Otherwise the map is pretty awesome.
The map is very well made and bug free. I would've liked to see some options or something thrown in.
41/50 -
Second Place! 300 mineralshttp://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=5604Super_deathmatch.scx by
HeeguTHEME: 10/10
Use your powers in this fighting game, some good stuff.
FUN: 18/25
A fun map with several game modes. The heal power is a bit imbalanced for the player vs player modes.
Well made and bug free, goob job. There were a few spelling errors like "Aplause" and "hero's", but nothing major. Also, a timer on the Survival Mode would be nice. For all I know my team DID last three minutes.
40/50 -
Third Place! 150 mineralshttp://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=5605Guantlet Quest 1.1.scx by
happybikiniTHEME: 10/10
It has powers enough for me.
FUN: 14/25
It stays very fun until you beat level 2, which you can never escape.
Everything looked and felt awesome and well-made, the map was just buggy. My Exploding Potions didn't work. Maybe its a bug with red slot or with Tank, I don't know. Some more thorough playtesting would've made this map a strong contender.
36/50 -
Noteworthy Mention! 75 mineralshttp://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=5606MIGHTSUPERHERO.scx by Devilesk
THEME: 10/10
You get super powers, I can give you that.
FUN: 16/25
Plenty of action. Not much in the way of powers besides changing units.
CAPS LOCK PLZ? The center view at the start of the action is very distracting. The super power change thing breaks once the action starts.
35/50Buenos_Aires_Superfight.scx by Sicarul
THEME: 10/10
Superheroes battle in Buenos Aires, cool enough.
FUN: 12/25
The map runs smooth and bug-free, but it gets a bit boring. I'm going to say you need a full house with good people to have a great deal of fun.
There's quite a few balances issues - such as the 20 armor Shuttle, I'm REALLY going to lose my Flying skill. Also, the terrain is a bit bland. But, it is bug free.
34/50http://www.staredit.net/index.php?download=5575Spider_man_to_the_rescue.scx.scx by ae)fenrir
THEME: 7/10
Disruption Web isn't much of a power as its just the normal unit ability.
FUN: 15/25
The map is pretty fun for awhile and worth trying a few times. Not much desire to replay the map.
The terrain is very blocky. The all red text is a bit harsh on the eyes. Spider Man is either capitalized or it isn't - make up your mind.
32/50Super_Defence.scx by Mp)Dada
THEME: 3/10
The theme was super powers, not super heroes.
FUN: 15/25
Not as fun as other defense maps out there. Newbs definitely find it hard to figure out how to buy and sell stuff. I don't see the purpose of the Dropship either.
The buying area shouldn't be straight accross, it is too wide, making it time consuming to use. I don't see the purpose of the Dropship, considering you can't buy a wrong unit by mistake. I would also like to buy multiple units. Overall the buying system makes the map cumbersome to use.
27/50(Note: from here in the criticism gets harsh, therefore the authors shall remain anonymus. Check the maps if you want to make fun of the author, if they even put their name. )The_Academy_Pre_Beta.scxTHEME: 8/10
There's a few powers involved once you're five minutes into the map.
FUN: 8/25
The action seemed pretty slow. Being able to heal by changing units is quite lame, when healing is a skill in the game. It's pre-beta, so what could I expect?
I'd reccomend hyper triggers for a Dropship casting system. Text colors are annoying and inconsistent. It's pre-beta, so what could I expect?
25/50-=Warriors Rpg=-.scxTHEME: 10/10
We have some powers here.
FUN: 7/25
It was buggy and quickly got lame. The computer spawns too much and forms a clusterf*ck blocking any chance of leaving the base. Basically I got into a stalemate sitting in my base for five minutes because nobody could kill stuff under Dark Swarm, so I left.
The first thing when the map loaded was "MY EYES!!". The terrain blinds you at first. There's a lot of distracting unplacable errors. There's also a lack of balance. My best run was on Demon, where I wanted to be level 2 forever, but sadly that didn't last. Care to disable buildings on SCV as well?
22/50Super_Hero_Racist_Defence.scxTHEME: 3/10
The theme was super powers, not super heroes.
FUN: 11/25
The map is fun until it breaks after the Vessel level. Not very challenging.
"Up Grades". Why does it seem like someone took a "Racist D" and just wrote SUPER HERO on top and changed unit names? Also, it breaks after the Science Vessel level. How that screw up was made, I don't know. My units can't reach the other side of the path. Narrow the path please!
16/50Final_Fantasy_7_Combat.scxTHEME: 8/10
I don't see many creative super powers, including mine which didn't work. I'm going to have good faith and assume my teammate would have to be there.
FUN: 2/25
Mini Clouds and Tifas? That makes no sense. Not to mention my specials are broken.
"Terran Beacon". Broken specials. Poor unit balance. No wait in the briefing. Not much relating to FF7 besides unit names and music. I rest my case.
12/50Power_Rangers_.scxTHEME: 3/10
The theme is super powers, not super heroes.
FUN: 2/25
All the fun of distracting a fat Ultralisk with hallucinations while blasting away at it and clipping your nails or whatever idling task you have.
It was bug free, and that's all I can give it.
10/50_xM_Duelz_Beta_1.0.scxTHEME: 0/10
This map features the super power of not working. Check the version you're submitting.
FUN: 0/25
Discovering a map doesn't work then exiting a game isn't much fun.
Nice display text time in your briefing. Also, this must really be a beta because nothing is functional. Make sure you're submitting the right version.
0/50MutantCraft_v1.0.scxThis map was corrupted. Sorry, dude.
There we are again, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yet another good contest, considering the theme could have been a lot better - I'm glad you guys were up to the challenge.. I recieved a numerous
16 maps, one short of last month's record. They are all attached to this post. See you guys in July... which it is.